Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my father a high pressure, approximately 200120! To the doctor he...

01.05.2004, 00:20
At my father a high pressure, approximately 200120!
To the doctor he to go does not want. It or him to not force in any way.
Goes on job. To him 54 years.
Friends have advised tablets.
Earlier gave gde-that nearby 2 h months.
Renitek 5 ml-1 tab.
Norvaks 5-1.
Tenorik 1 tablet.
Pressure more or less kept, about 150 160 top.
Has now risen about 5 7 days ago and to not bring down in any way. Within these days we give
Kapoten 25 2 tablets 2 times a day
Renitek 5 - 4 tab. once a day
Tenorik 0, 5 in day
Katoten he pereodicheski accepted and earlier small courses. Until then while in the extremity or end of March there was no hypertonic crisis (it we so assume as the doctor he us to cause or call has not given). To Him was very much (a vomiting, a nausea). After that we began to give him (renitek 5, norvaks 5, tenorik 1 tabl).
Help or Assist, please. What to us to do or make now?!.

Lanj, the doctor-diagnostician
02.05.2004, 12:53
Irina, it is probable at your father a hypertensia of 3 stages and, most likely, already there is a lesion of organs as a result of damaging or injuring influence of a hypertensia: hypertonic, an encephalopathy, a left ventricular failure, lesions of an eyeground, suffer vessels of a brain, disturbances of function of kidneys are possible or probable, etc. First of all it is necessary to take all measures for correction of the mental status of your father. And, whenever possible, nevertheless to persuade it or him on inspection in a hospital. Treatment which you offer him now, senselessly.

03.05.2004, 10:34
Thanks big for the answer. Two years ago we takm have pushed out its or his all to the doctor. He to him has appointed or nominated kapoten, has appointed or nominated US of an abdominal cavity and elektrokardiagrammu. Kapoten he is hollow, but neznaju as it has affected or influenced its or his pressure as he to measure to us it or him did not give. And he has not gone to an out-patient department any more. At us each time of the house scandal when it is necessary to measure pressure, me with it or him to not consult. I shall show him your letter, and there let does or makes all that will want, I already do not have forces with it or him to struggle.