Просмотр полной версии : Harm from a tooth-paste????

15.03.2006, 16:22
Recently often write that in an oral cavity there is an intensive absorption of substances, there is a wide range of medicines in drops for a resorption, etc. the Question at me following: how to combine this fact with references of stomatologists to clean a teeth of 2-3 minutes and to apply conditioners to an oral cavity? In fact the basis of tooth-pastes and conditioners is made with not advertised or promoted natural components, and chemical agents, including laurilsulfat sodium which is considered carcinogen? A teeth, can, and will be pure or clean, but it how much any muck will be soaked up!
Thanks for the answer!

Water color
15.03.2006, 19:39
Hello. Well for conditioners I shall not respond. Them I do not use and meanwhile did not meet indications to their application though they in any cases are necessary.
Understand, Doses of harmful chemical substances in Pasta are very small. And that, they rather harmful. About carcinogenic substances I did not hear in general. And on the other hand, in Pasta the calcium, fluorine, medical substances contain. So it is good only if they will be soaked up. Though I in this question on 100 % vrjadli something can tell or say. This my opinion