Просмотр полной версии : Svetotverdevaemye seals

16.06.2005, 13:50
What it is impossible to eat after statement svetootverdevaemoj seals? Whether it is possible to smoke, whether color from a nicotine will exchange?

How long?

22.06.2005, 05:29
vashche on that she and svetootverzhdajushchajasja also costs or stands differently to exclude all starvations after its or her equipment or installation.

05.07.2005, 02:14
I, probably, have not correctly asked a question, meant what products can change color of a seal in the near future.

The ascetic
18.07.2005, 11:11
I eat all successively. Seals cost or stand some years - even already and I do not remember on what teeth.

23.07.2005, 10:16
These are photopolymeric, whether that?!

If they, at me 2 seals already year 4, 2 more - 3 months. I cannot find them, have made under color zubev. Color do not change.

28.07.2005, 21:09
Usually advise to not drink coffee, strong tea, there is a jam, beet salad... Day two.

29.07.2005, 14:25
All this is it is possible - under one condition - at once to clean a teeth. Really, first 5-6 hours such seals absorb extraneous pigments (that has no attitude or relation to their quality and rate of hardening).

01.08.2005, 21:50
Looking at what teeth have put seals svetootvergaemye: at me, naprmer, cost or stand on a forward teeth, to me the doctor has told or said, that it is impossible within day when a seal have put there is a carrots, a beet, color juices, and also coffee.

I think, that if seals cost or stand on molars it is unessential to adhere to restrictions.

02.08.2005, 13:16
Red wine still.

02.08.2005, 20:19
Seal have put on a forward part of a forward tooth. The doctor such did not speak anything. Drank strong tea, ate "painting" products. polmby it is not appreciable within 3 years

02.08.2005, 23:27
And me the doctor has told or said, that is possible both coffee and a beet and all rest right after treatments.

03.08.2005, 01:14
Many thanks to all for answers)