Просмотр полной версии : Excision right bottom 8-

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon!

Excision right bottom 8- by means of *quot is necessary to me; a surgical intervention under ?aO??*quot;... In this connection, it would be desirable, it is simple for the sake of interest, to learn or find out, how it will look or appear from, t.e.: as the narcosis (I believe, that an injection since differently to a mouth you will not steal up is made:), what its or his duration and what guarantees what you will not come to in the middle of operation? Whether Strong usually hurt after operation?


From background: a tooth it has been decided to delete, since there was strong caries and completely he was not cut, however, during attempt of excision (which last under local anasteziej almost 2.5 hours with breaks which I do not know as has born - but shouted terribly though the doctor and has born, for what to her many thanks) to remove it or him has not turned out by virtue of of some the reasons.

For the information: have directed in stomat. Complex MSU, for the reason, that, at a choice between TSNIIS and MSU, has appeared, that a narcosis do or make only in the last, and without a narcosis I, I am afraid, already hardly I shall go...

01.09.2004, 19:30
In this case it is not so clear, that you have in view of under a word *quot; ?aO?*quot;. A narcosis name the general or common anesthesia. Excision of the eighth tooth is usual as well as all other out-patient stomatologic interventions do not demand carrying out of the general or common anesthesia. Local in overwhelming majority of cases it is quite enough. Moreover - carrying out of these interventions under a narcosis is undesirable, this measure compelled or forced as frames greater or big inconveniences in job to the doctor to the stomatologist (as a rule happens it is necessary, that the patient could execute commands of the doctor - to swallow, spit, fix in a head in the certain position) and as, that is important - any general or common anesthesia is risk and a key rule of an anesthesiologia - the risk of anesthesia should not exceed risk of an intervention.

In your case (unfortunately I have some clinical data), I think the most optimum variant - carrying out of an intervention under local anesthesia with a premedication. Most likely it will be the first, that to you will offer in SK MGMSU. At correct carrying out of m/and - it WILL not be sick, and the premedication is a way to reach or achieve such useful effects as decrease of feeling of alarm, potentsiirovanie (intensifying of effect) local anesthesia and thus, that very much and is very important to spend an intervention at the saved consciousness, t. e. Without dopolnitelnogo unjustified risk. The premedication can be spent both by reception of preparations inside, and by means of intravenous, intramuscular injections. On stomat. A complex as a rule choose the first.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Look or See also the following materials concerning the discussed problem:

http: // www./forums/showthread.php? t=13435

Premedication and anesthesia - Debatable Club of Russian Medical Server

http: // www./forums/showthread.php? t=11956

Wisdom tooth - Debatable Club of Russian Medical Server