Просмотр полной версии : Dear Evgenie Nikolaevich! Many thanks for a fast reply. To you on kon...

31.08.2004, 14:31
Dear Evgenie Nikolaevich! Many thanks for a fast reply. On you on consultation to my big regret I can not approach or drop in, t. To. I live in other city. Ortodont has already diagnosed a short upper lip and recommended to address to surgeons. Please, answer my earlier asked questions in occasion of the operation. Once again many thanks.

Toropov E.N.
31.08.2004, 21:52
Still time I shall repeat, Natalia, complexity of operation depends on a degree ukorochennosti labiums - from correction by intrastomatic access, up to plasty external access. I advise to address in the unit nearest to you cheljustno-facial surgery. Usually it is regional, republican hospitals and faculties of medical institutes.