Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist to facilitate stradanja! Since August try has got out...

20.08.2004, 09:20
Hello! Help or assist to facilitate stradanja! Since August 2 wisdom tooths (bottom) try to get out. One does not disturb. And here the second... Some days, temperature 37 hurt.., shoots at a temple, the ear hurts. A nightmare! Then weeks 3 calm. Then all on new. 4 call has now gone. A teeth it is visible a little, all looks or appears healthy enough. Of others I do not complain.
Problem in how it to anesthetize? It is desirable without tabletok-analgetics (by virtue of some reasons I try to not accept them).
And in general, whether so long process (some months) is normal?
Thankful in advance for your advice or council.

Toropov E.N.
21.08.2004, 10:18
Tatyana, so long prorezyvanie speaks that there is to him an obstacle - or dense enough kapjushen then it or he needs to be excised, or the tooth lays naklonno and cannot normally be cut, then it or he is necessary for removing.

22.08.2004, 19:11
Thanks, the doctor. Though prospect not joyful. (CHto-something kak-that he at once has ceased to hurt or be ill;be sick...)

23.08.2004, 08:31
Thanks, the doctor. Though prospect not joyful. (CHto-something kak-that he at once has ceased to hurt or be ill;be sick...:)