Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt, will cost how much an implant on top cheljust...

02.08.2004, 08:44
Hello! Prompt, will cost how much an implant on the top jaw, even approximately. I understand, that is complex or difficult that or in absentia to tell or say, but vse-taki. And how long it will borrow or occupy, is available in view of treatment after excision of a root (the tooth is destroyed completely) and up to a finishing stage. To me 22. Thankful in advance for the answer.

Toropov E.N.
03.08.2004, 17:19
Maxim, cost of operation of implantation kolebletsja from 400 up to 1500 $ depending on type, the country of the manufacturer, clinic. If implantation is done or made after an odontectomy dlzhno to pass or take place pol-year before the equipment or installation implantata and then still pol-year before its or his "engraftment" then it is possible to make or produce koronku. If implantation is done or made during the moment of an odontectomy term of a prosthetic repair is reduced on pol-year.

05.08.2004, 07:34
And for how much you spend such treatment? A tooth it is not visible. But the root has remained. How much it is on the average spent for such treatment?

Toropov E.N.
06.08.2004, 15:39
Maxim, we carry out operation of implantation permanently, for this purpose 3 days of hospitalization are required. 1 day - analyses and researches, 2 operation, 3 extract. Cost: 400 $ operation of implantation (1 implantat), 200 $ stay in clinic with a delivery, analyses, an intravenous narcosis and so forth