Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To me on March, 11th have removed a wisdom tooth on a mandible at the left...

05.06.2004, 15:58
The dear doctor! To me on March, 11th have removed a wisdom tooth on a mandible at the left (from me) in a paid out-patient department. The reference or manipulation awful, probably the doctor has risen not from that leg or foot in the morning or he at all does not like the job, was rasping and sharp. I and so all shivered pavor, and he made up for it or her even more. Longly could not remove it or him, strongly pressed and fractured to me this tooth probably in parts, already the blood flew on a throat and labiums (then at home me stoshnilo my blood). The hole was probably formed decent so he had shto-to sew up that there. But it not the most terrible! Speak that a frost passes or takes place by the evening or next day. But at me a frost has not passed or has not taken place neither on 3 j, nor on 10 j day. I have gone to them (to another already to the doctor) he very much was surprised why to me have not made a picture after excision, pomassazhiroval a finger through a cheek the nerve any and has told or said that will pass or take place. I have recollected, that when at excision the doctor did or made to me to a frost it was unpleasant, but he in what that the party or side has spent a needle and I have already screamed (as though he has got to me in a nerve a needle). Today the extremity or end of April, a frost slept a little, but all the same not up to the extremity or end (I do not feel the left half of lower lip and constantly I bite it or her at meal up to a blood as I do not feel it or her). Position was aggravated with that fact, that when I do or make the certain movement by a lower lip, at me kak-as if something strains in the bottom gum or gingiva (similar on a nerve, but not in a place of excision and in the field of another (other) teeth left bottom. Pains are not present, but unpleasant natjagivanie a nerve is. I shall not understand what is it can be? Whether the doctor healthy nerve a needle could will damage or injure;hurt, or there was a piece of that nerve of the removed tooth... Or still something? It will pass or take place? It is not terrible? Or it is necessary for me for something to do or make? Tell or say on what disease it similar (the inflammation of a nerve can?)...... What is it? Thanks.

Toropov E.N.
07.06.2004, 20:28
At you typical signs of a posttraumatic neuritis nizhnelunochkovogo a nerve, the resulted traumas of a nerve a needle. Process of restoration of conduction on nervonomu to a trunk can borrow or occupy before half a year, carrying out nejrostimulirujushchej is necessary for therapy - vit V-1 and V-12 in day intramusculary, a neostigmine methylsulfate with 0, 2 adding in day on 0, 1 to finish up to 1, 0 and further reducing up to 0, 2 intramusculary. Fizioprotsedury - the laser on a point of a mental aperture and an amplipulse.

09.06.2004, 17:53
The dear doctor! Many thanks for the answer! I would like to consult with you how it is possible to approach or suit competently to the heads of this clinic and to solve the problem what at the reference or manipulation to them have crippled me? How to achieve validity? Whether they to me can spend free of charge such treatment or in dental such do not do or make? And harm and mental cruelty can achieve the refund, moreover and for prichenennyj to health? It would be desirable to solve all as they say amicably, let even will correct that they to me have heaped up! Any proofs are necessary to me? They in the clinic can establish or install this diagnosis which you have put me? Thanks big.

Toropov E.N.
12.06.2004, 21:47
To solve your question, the conclusion of an independent expert appraisal is necessary, those have the right to spend certified for this purpose meducherezhdenija. In Moscow it TSNIIS and MSGMU. But should note, that examination is appointed or nominated under the decision of court for what it is necessary for you to submit the claim on clinic. But in the beginning try to solve this delicate question amicably. I think, that you will have a mutual understanding with a management or manual of clinic.

15.06.2004, 02:00
The doctor excuse for an obtrusiveness, whether I would like to specify if treat postravmatichesky a neuritis nizhnelunochkovogo a nerve can to pass or take place in due course this neuritis without treatment? Thanks.