Просмотр полной версии : At my daughter (22 years) doctors cannot precisely diagnose: or limfode...

02.06.2004, 16:17
At my daughter (22 years) doctors cannot precisely diagnose: or limfodenit or a cyst - the morbid tumescence under a chin, rises temperature in the evening. Have now appointed or nominated antibiotics, and after new year suggest to operate, not being polnostju assured or confident of the diagnosis. Really the roentgen or cannot show US what is it? And whether it is impossible to avoid operation.

Toropov E.N.
03.06.2004, 05:14
The roentgen will show nothing, and the US will clear up, what type education, cystic or not, but indications to operation are defined or determined by the surgeon, he can and palpatorno to define or determine there is in education a liquid or not. Besides sometimes, precisely to define or determine a picture of disease it is required to excise completely education and to carry out its or his histological research.

04.06.2004, 18:56
Dear Evgenie Nikolaevich, many thanks for the answer. The US have made - ascertained a median cyst of a neck: on an average line of a neck at a level of a sublingual bone 231320, anehogennaja, a capsule thick gipoehogennaja. A blood flow umerenyj on perimeter. And still excites a question: whether it is impossible to avoid operation? Whether such cyst to treatment, for example, acupuncture, manipulation Moves. Probably to influence it or her a method laparaskopii, I know, that such method dry up (speaking household tongue) a cyst on kidneys. If it is simple, tell or say the reason of education of similar educations. The daughter very much experiences, especially from the aesthetic point of view.
In fact there will be a scar on the most visible place.
Many thanks for your participation!

Toropov E.N.
05.06.2004, 05:13
Svetlana, unfortunately, only operation is effective in this case. The median cyst of a neck occurs or happens from the rest of the embryonal or fetal;embrionic germs which have got lost in an isthmus of a sublingual bone. Therefore at operation this part of a sublingual bone rezetsiruetsja. And about scars do not worry, the cut or section is made on natural cervical dermal cords or crimps and the wound is taken in by cosmetic seams so month through four and traces of a cut or section will not find. Endohirurgicheski this operation to execute it is impossible.

05.06.2004, 17:26
Dear Evgenie Nikolaevich, thanks for the answer, and that you have cleared a situation with the diagnosis. Unfortunately, from our Kiev doctors we have not received such qualified answer. Excuse can be for excessive importunity, but it would be desirable to learn or find out still, that could serve for education of this cyst and in further its or her displays. e. How much or as far as I have understood this neoplasm have arisen even at fetal development and till now "dozed"? Whether there is a necessity to do or make a histology? And how much complex or difficult this operation (how much lasts) and its or her consequences? What qualification the doctor should be, for successful carrying out of operation (in fact now it will be necessary for us to search for the good expert). And a following question: whether sports employment or occupations (yoga) could affect or influence an inflammation of a cyst, and whether it is possible to be engaged after operation.
Once again thanks for your participation. Your business invaluable! Simply seldom you meet such participation in troubles of people. By the way, my daughter was examined by many doctors, the whole consultation was collected, t. To. - cheljustno-the facial surgeon heads unit our friend, but nobody could so to qualify illness or disease, as has forced me to address for the help to you.
In such situation to that to entrust operation.
To in total you kind.

Toropov E.N.
07.06.2004, 04:50
Svetlana, you have correctly understood, till now the cyst "dozed", what it or her has wakened? The reasons there can be a set including playing sports, but it does not mean, that your daughter has any restrictions in it or this. Only for 1 month after operation, further - any. The histology is done or made in any case, after excising or coretraction a cyst. It is surprising, that your friend (and this pathology a prerogative cheljustno-facial surgeons) could not understand at once in this case. Operation usually lasts till one o'clock, kvalifitsirovanno any should make it or her cheljustno-the facial surgeon.