Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Has addressed to the stomatologist in occasion of a carious cavity in a tooth....

18.05.2004, 17:13
Has addressed to the stomatologist in occasion of a carious cavity in a tooth. In the first day has put an arsenic, in three days has put a time or temporary seal, yesterday something was not pleasant to him with a nerve, has put a turunda with any preparation for "mumification" (its or his definition) and has sealed a tooth Pasta. All right party or side in the evening has ached, to press on a tooth painfully. Today the pain hardly is less, but to chew unpleasantly. Has called to the doctor, he has told or said, that and should be. Advise, please, than to reduce unpleasant sensations. Analgin/Baralginum, etc. to not offer in view of an intolerance.

Stjunin O.N.
19.05.2004, 04:55
You treat ancient enough methods. Most likely at you myshjakovistyj a periodontitis. It is necessary to open a tooth, to pass or take place channels up to an apex of a root, to expand channels. Painful oshchushenija will be gone. Can address for the help to us on ph. 248 38 43, 248 73 41