Просмотр полной версии : The grid on legs or foots is capillary

Marrying Petrov
11.03.2006, 01:23
Good evening! At me after sorts or labors began to appear capillary setoka on nogah-for the present absolutely easy or light;mild. Was on reception at the vascular surgeon with voprosom-how to prevent expansion of a capillary grid. The vascular surgeon has told or said, that the hereditary factor (at my mum the same poblema), and here deep veins at me takes place by way of. As prophylaxis has suggested to use only gels for legs or foots on the basis of konskogo a chestnut. Read, that with a view of prophylaxis reception Detraleksa is expedient. Prompt, what scheme or plan of its or his reception in my case for prevention of expansion capillary setki-how much courses in a year, duration of a course, quantity or amount of tablets in day (in the instruction to a preparation there are references to reception only at problems with deep veins, a hemorrhoids). Also, the vascular surgeon at whom I was on reception, did not advise me to spend skleroterapiju for excision of already existing grid in view of danger sklerozirovanija deep veins. Whether so it? Thanks you. Evgenie Petrov