Просмотр полной версии : After abortion on nagah koe-where have remained vascular asterisks, which are visible...

Olga, 24 years
17.08.2004, 21:26
After abortion on nagah koe-where have remained vascular asterisks which have appeared with the beginning of pregnancy (age for that moment 22 years) are visible. Whether means it, what in the future at pregnancy I am am waited with a problem with vessels? Whether it is possible kak-to avoid that it or this?

Uchkin I.G.
18.08.2004, 17:33
I repeat in thousand time - vascular asterisks arise at women on a background hormonal failures - abortions, beremennostej, cysts, myomas, reception of hormonal contraceptives. To varices of the direct attitude or relation have no but to slow down their occurrence it is necessary to avoid the above-stated factors.