Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is possible to get rid of vascular asterisks on legs or foots, and how. To me...

tatjana M
14.08.2004, 20:49
Whether it is possible to get rid of vascular asterisks on legs or foots, and how. To me 38 years, at me grow dumb legs or foots at long walking and if I sit.

15.08.2004, 18:27
Legs or Foots have started to hurt or be ill;be sick strongly. Veins under kolenkami were raose. Last time has begun much pojavljatsja vascular zvehdochek on femurs. I live in udalenoj from city of district. That it is necessary to undertake.

Uchkin I.G.
17.08.2004, 09:02
Onychalgias and vascular asterisks among themselves are not connected. Vascular asterisks - a cosmetic problem also leave they by means of skleroterapii - nyxes or the laser. Search for the reason of onychalgias in other place - disturbance of an exchange of a calcium (an bloods on a level of a calcium), hormonal problems (thyroid hormones, contraceptives, cysts of ovaries) or in a backbone - an osteochondrosis, hernias of disks.