Просмотр полной версии : At moeuj grandmothers (72 years) about thirty years ago were fracture of a leg or foot. Put...

03.08.2004, 18:45
At moeuj grandmothers (72 years) about thirty years ago were fracture of a leg or foot. Stavili-vytastivali the probe and as a result vessels are broken or disturbed. All this time the leg or foot was dark blue, but did not disturb. Recently on her there were ulcers. The divisional has recognized trophic ulcers, but concrete treatment has not appointed or nominated. Prompt, please. What to do or make?

Uchkin I.G.
04.08.2004, 22:21
Elastic rollers, Vazonit 12 it is constant, Venorutonum 13 1, 5 months Aktovegin 12 1 months Mestno - a daily toilet of a ulcer, 2 weeks Iruxolum, then Aktovegin ointment, to not sit, sleep with the lifted leg or foot.