Просмотр полной версии : In a heat it is strongly convex veins on legs or foots act. Showed the doctor, but he niche...

01.07.2004, 02:12
In a heat it is strongly convex veins on legs or foots act. Showed the doctor, but he has noted nothing (in hospital cool, and veins really are not visible). As with it or this to struggle, it is very ugly. Thanks.

Kuzmin N.V.
02.07.2004, 06:16
There comes happy time goda-Zimushka-Winter! Veins are pleased! But it is possible to wear with preventive purpose protivovarikoznyj jersey 1 go a class of a compression (I recommend the domestic trade mark "Venoteks" - pr-in the USA)

Uchkin I.G.
02.07.2004, 12:15
And again Kuzmin with unostentatious advertising Venoteksa.. To wear that it is possible, but if veins that appear, izchezajut - they are poorly similar on varicose... And constant wearing of jersey without indications leads to an atrophy of a muscular wall of a vein and, taki to development of the present or true varices. e. First seem to the expert. Come how to find me - click on my surname.

Kuzmin N.V.
03.07.2004, 11:34
And again doctor Uchkin with unostentatious advertising itself... Where here " Venoteks-at " - but to the expert to seem all peerly costs or stands, and then either medical, or preventive compression jersey. By the way, the preventive jersey "Venoteks" is specially created for those who is healthy and does not wish to be ill or sick with varicose illness or disease. To wear it or him it is recommended to all, whose way of life is interfaced or integrated to the presented risk factors: - hereditary predisposition to disease of veins, - prof. Harmfulnesses - job on legs or foots and sedentary job, - excess weight, rise and carry of gravities, pregnancy and a status after sorts or labors, reception of hormonal preparations, including contraceptives, - walking on heels, - driving of the car, etc.

Irina 27.10.03
04.07.2004, 03:15
The dear doctor. How to strengthen a venous wall on the bottom extremities? How it is possible to cure a varicose phlebectasia without an operative measure?