Просмотр полной версии : Dear Ilya Gennaevich! Thanks that have responded, my mental status...

28.05.2004, 05:05
Dear Ilya Gennaevich! Thanks that have responded, my mental status and the truth leaves much to be desired. But in the question I did not specify, that the swelling or turgescence of veins of arms or hand and legs or foots is observed only in a heat. I live in Peter where it is cool enough even in the summer. Nabuhajut it is constant, and before such it was not observed, it can and concurrence, but it has started to occur or happen in 1, 5 months after procedure sklerozirovanija, (compare temperature of air now + 15 + 20) whether it is normal?

29.05.2004, 03:30
sorri, has made a reservation, mine psychological the attitude or relation to this "defect" generates a complex as the bulked up veins associate at the best with healthy "nakachennost", in the worst with "age", and to me still is not present 30 ti!

30.05.2004, 14:23
sorri, has made a reservation, mine psychological the attitude or relation to this "defect" generates a complex as the bulked up veins associate at the best with healthy "nakachennost", in the worst with "age", and to me still is not present 30 ti!

Uchkin I.G.
01.06.2004, 00:13
Concurrence with skleroterpiej that you began to examine more steadfastly yourselves, and "have found" defect with a swelling or turgescence. Yes, to you is not present 30, but also not 16 so all corresponds or meets to age and the constitution.