Просмотр полной версии : To daughter almost year. On the right foot from below is gimangioma in the sizes 1, 5 h...

Michael Fedorovich
04.05.2004, 21:35
To daughter almost year. On the right foot from below there is gimangioma in the sizes 1, 5 h 0, 5 see After the reference or manipulation to the surgeon a verdict - operation!
What consequences gimangiomy and whether are nonsurgical methods of excision deep gimangiomy? Thankful in advance

Uchkin I.G.
06.05.2004, 05:35
On a foot it is better to delete as soon as possible, it will be injured differently at walking. Deep hemangiomas can be tried or tasted sklerozirovat (nyxes), but it ineffectively and very morbidly (on stop) In the given situation operation much less travmatichna and is more effective. It is not necessary so zhivotno are afraid operational, it is necessary to approach or suit to all reasonably.