
Просмотр полной версии : Varices

27.02.2004, 17:30
.dobryj, day! My diagnosis: a valval failure of the big hypodermic vein from both parties or sides on all extent. Accordingly a constant reflux in both BPV.eto the conclusion angiohirurga, after passage by me duplex angioskanirovanija and UZDG.rekomendatsii: operatsija.hotel to learn or find out a degree of the disease t.e 1.2.3, and whether accordingly is at me chronic vennaja nedostatochnost.sprashivaju because the doctor has not answered these questions, and has written in the conclusion only (sm.vyshe).

19.03.2004, 17:35
Good afternoon.
The doctor has put you clinical and pathogenetic (reason) the diagnosis on the basis of functional research.
The degree of a failure is put on the basis of a clinical picture of disease.
More exact diagnosis to be put on the basis of functional methods of research, therefore the doctor has correctly written the conclusion and has exposed indications to operation.

Doctor V.V.Bazylev