Просмотр полной версии : Sex frustration at women (Like on health)

27.10.2006, 14:12
Sex frustration at women
The most widespread sex frustration with which women collide or face is a absence of a sexual inclination, difficulties with exaltation and an orgasm, a pain during the sexual certificate or act. In this chapter or head practical exercises which will help or assist you to reach or achieve exaltation, high-grade orgasms are offered and to win pains at a coitus. Better understanding the body, you strengthen power of communication or connection of consciousness with a body.
Female sexuality and sexual inclination
In the course of time I have learned or have found out much about female sexuality and I do not believe, that sexuality and a sexual inclination is the same. But also that, and another promotes female desire to copulate and feel sex affinity.
The sexual inclination of the woman is defined or determined by presence of Testosteron-Depotum - the same hormone, as at men. (as is known, the organism of the woman too makes Testosteron-Depotum, only in much smaller quantities or amounts, than an organism of the man.) the sexual inclination is a complex or difficult phenomenon in which our mood, the self-consciousness, intimate relations and external circumstances define or determine sex interest and exaltation.
Let's talk in the beginning about a sexual inclination as it is more studied or investigated. Our sexuality is mobile and depends on hormonal changes. These hormonal changes, in turn, are defined or determined by vital circumstances. Pregnancy, a birth of the child, a menopause, surgical interventions change a level of hormones, that strengthening or weakening or easying a level of a sexual inclination. Tablets against pregnancy can promote sex desires whereas they is artificial adjust or regulate a hormonal background. As the good grant or manual for comprehension of changes and cycles of a sexual inclination at women Elizabeth Devis's book " Women, sex and a sexual inclination " (Women, Sex and Desire) can serve.
If in the past you had very strong sexual inclination, for you the long absence of desire would be unusual business to make love. If you are concerned by that have lost a sexual inclination (you never wish to make love), and surrounding conditions have not changed (you still like the partner, do not test excessive stresses and do not accept contraceptives or other hormonal preparations), this phenomenon can have biological reasons. I recommend you to be surveyed at the endocrinologist who will check up a level of your hormones.
Sexual inclination podpityvaetsja our consciousness. Thus, the stress, a disadvantage of sex experience or boldness, and also the moderate depression can have negative consequences. Low sex desire - the phenomenon rather widespread: in 1980th years many people felt, how their desire concedes to stress and overloads at job that became known as " illness or disease jappi ". Fortunately, it is treated very easily. If to you there is something similar, the exercises described in the given book, will help or assist you to relax, understand the sex potential and to excite or raise sex desire.
Less widespread and more serious reason of depression of a sexual inclination - consequences of traumatic event, in particular, the sex nature. We often cope a trauma, recent or last, superseding it or her from the consciousness. If you have collided or faced with it or this, I insist on that you have addressed for the professional help and have borrowed or occupied in a sex recovery. Disposal of consequences of a trauma will help or assist you poznat all spectrum of your sexuality.
The program
Intensifying seksualnoju desires
As follows from my experience, the sex desire at women is an intricate plexus of factors. It in the same degree - if not in greater - is defined or determined by love, the consent to accept another, surrounding situation and appeal of the partner, as levels of hormones and stress. All we happened in situations when we would not like to make love that we seem to ourselves unattractive, ustali from stress, our partner was not inclined to dialogue, the linen has not been washed, we worried for children or that should make tomorrow.
Where an output or exit? If for employment or occupations by love special conditions are necessary to you, make everything to create they be all up to last trifle. In the world there is no perfection but if you would like to make love in a beautiful situation to colors or flowers, the French spirits, music, lacy linen, create for itself such situation, let even for one night! If you need to feel beautiful love before employment or occupations, find time to take a bath, to make manicure and a pedicure, a hairdress or to put on erotic clothes. All this will help or assist to strengthen your sex desire because will aggravate sensuality.
What to do or make, if your sex desire has decreased because of depression of a self-rating or deterioration of a figure? Try or taste exercise on formation of an image of a body from chapter or head 6. You can lift the attitude or relation to on a due level if be convinced of beauty and force of the body.
What if the desire to make love to your partner has gone on recession, or you find its or his unattractive? Exercises on strengthening of intimal communication or connection and adjustment of mechanisms of dialogue from chapters or heads 3 and 12 will return to you the partner and its or his body, nuances of your intimal mutual relations, and also those qualities of your partner which drew you to it or him;them. They can help or assist to realize to you, that has ripened and has changed in due course in both of you.
To deepen the sex desire it is possible, having supported or maintained the sensual and sex potential.
Try to execute exercises on a touch to itself, described in chapter or head 2 to learn or find out more about the body.
Improve the sex form by means of exercises from chapter or head 4.
To One of the most effective agents can become salutary exercises with the partner from chapter or head 5.
If you will work all exercises with the partner, resulted or brought in this book, including a salutary coitus, I guarantee, that the sex desire to you will return.
Intensifying of exaltation
It is difficult to you to be excited or raised? And you know, what your feeling of exaltation? You do not feel what should feel?
Some women disturbs, that they do not have greasing during necessary time or often. I have found out, that greasing not always is a reliable attribute psychological or emotsinalnogo exaltations which main thing in your sexual inclination and is. The quantity or amount of greasing can vary depending on a level of hormones and age; she is developed or produced reflexly during a touch to the certain places of a vagina. Greasing can be allocated and without any feeling of exaltation, and can be and a return situation: exaltation without greasing. That you are really raised or excited, it is easier to establish or install on your feelings, instead of on a moisture between legs or foots. If at you difficulty with allocation of greasing, use an artificial lubricant.
If you already carried out exercises from other parts of the book, you, possibly, already were in time poznat new heights of exaltation. Exercises on resetting of levels, peaks and the steps of exaltation described in chapter or head 6, will be especially useful to you.
If after these exercises all of you still experience difficulties at exaltation with the partner, simply try to reduce rate and to savour sex sensations. For many women will approach or suit, if they will not hurry event, and will be given pleasure which is given them with the partner, caressing arms or hand and a mouth their genitals before to begin immediately coitus. Too fast input of a penis can brake offensive or approach of exaltation at women. To same will result or bring passive acceptance of any lask the partner. Therefore become active. You can feel the big emotional rise, having taken the initiative!
Active exaltation
Let your partner will be passive. Ask it or him to lay down on a back, to close eyes and try to not move. Present, that its or his body is your toy or a playground. Or imagine, that he has fallen asleep. Play with it or him, iron, caress, lick or suck its or his body. Everything, that you will do or make, it is necessary to do or make slowly, is sensual and without any pressure from any of you. If you wish to climb up the partner and to begin a coitus - please. The moment when he not in forces will restrain more will come, and you will together be betraid to revelry of this game.
Strong orgasm
One of the most widespread difficulties in a sex life of women is difficulty of calling of an orgasm during sexual contact. Some women as they speak, in general never felt an orgasm. I, however, believe, that each woman has tested an orgasm even time in a life. It could happen in the childhood, in a dream, but she has not given to it or this value or meaning;importance. More important, and my experience confirms it, that each woman can test an orgasm. The orgasm is one of the basic reflexes of a body, same as a yawning or chihanie, he is started by appropriate exaltation. You only need to find the individual way it or him to test.
As well as the sex desire, a kind of the stimulation leading to an orgasm, and a joy of the orgasm are unique for each woman. I call all women to not force myself to an orgasm. It is important, that you have opened in yourselves ability to an orgasm any by which is comprehensible both to you, and for your partner.
Some women try to test an orgasm during a coitus not so much because this perfect sensation, how much to divide or undresse this passionate expression of limiting exaltation, vulnerability and freedom with the partner. Carrying out exercises, you will see, that the sex recovery aggravates your feelings and deepens your affinity.
Many women expect from an orgasm too much, transforming it or him in end in itself. That the orgasm can change your life - and the truth, and is not present. Your employment or occupations by love become more euphoric, the body becomes more sensitive, your attitudes or relations and health too become better. But the orgasm will not make you more richly or more harmonously, will not disaccustom your children to pranks and will not release or exempt you from cleaning the house. (he will simply cheer you up!)
All paints, forms and the sizes of an orgasm
Many women do not know, that it or him to expect from an orgasm. When you test an orgasm, muscles around of a uterus and shejki uteruses are reduced so, that the stomach or belly is shaken. Air can leave a vagina. The blood flows to walls of a vagina, framing the pressure causing a current of greasing. Arterial pressure, heart beat and frequency of respiration reach or achieve a maximum. Muscles of a neck, arms or hand, faces and legs or foots can consensually be reduced, and the strain of ?-muscles will force them to be reduced and some time after. You can feel a tremor in some parts of a body and heat which begins in the field of beder and extends on a breast, a neck and the face. You can be in ecstasy.
During an orgasm sympathetic and parasimpaticheskaja nervous systems work simultaneously. Sex energy as though soars up and is liberated, giving or allowing you feeling of freedom and simplification and sometimes the changed status of consciousness (sensation of flight). From some women " beat streams " - a female ejaculation. You can concern to such ejaculations as to an invention, but it is a reality. They occur or happen at active stimulation of G-maculae, exclusively sensitive zone in the top part of a forward wall of a vagina.
All this looks or appears is more tremendous, is not that so? But actually at the majority of women orgasms not always identical. You can sometimes test a voluptuous, sound orgasm covering all body, and sometimes - the tremor of ?-muscles and pleasant sensations is simple. If in time to not pay to them attention it is possible about it or this and to not guess. Some women each time expect almost earthquake and, having tested the moderate orgasm, happen are disappointed. As the result of the woman years is put with improbable efforts to have a desired orgasm. They subject themselves to unnecessary operations on excision of a leaf from a head of a clitoris to make its or his more sensitive. I even heard about the surgeon who does or makes operations on ?-muscles therefore they ostensibly become more sensitive.
If at you difficulty with an orgasm or if at you it or him never was, operation is not necessary to you. You - not exception also are not deprived ability to an orgasm. After you will pass or take place the program of a sex recovery, you will reach or achieve in an orgasm of new heights.
The program
Development of ability to test an orgasm
The first step of development of predisposition to an orgasm-it studying of the body and the sex reactions. A disadvantage of knowledge of - here one of the main reasons of disability to test an orgasm. Irrespective of the partner learn or find out, that you raises or excites. Deepen self-knowledge by means of sex athletics, depression of trouble, strengthening of intimal communication or connection, touches to itself, resettings of levels and peaks of exaltation - the exercises described regarding 1.
You should buy or purchase the vibrator and to experiment with various sensations and stimulation which he can give. With its or his help you will find out many "clockwork" points about which before did not know. After you investigate or research the erogenic zones, pass to exercises of a high level from chapter or head 7 together with the lover. If you the healthy woman the knowledge of bases of a sex recovery will bring you to edge or territory of an orgasm and will transfer or carry for its or his limits. Under the truth, you can more than anything and not be necessary. Exercises of a course of a sex recovery is a fantastic agent for the woman who wishes to study or investigate itself, and they are checked up on thousand women.
If you, having passed or having taken place all exercises of this program, still will not test an orgasm during the sexual certificate or act, but will wish it or him to test, here some secrets.
Masturbation with dildo (an artificial penis)
For women a key to an orgasm during a coitus is comprehension of importance of a spastic stricture of ?-muscles. While your ?-muscles remain not developed, they cannot be reduced, when "something" is in a vagina. To learn to reach or achieve an orgasm during the sexual certificate or act, buy or purchase dildo (an artificial penis), relatives in the sizes to a penis of your partner, and practise with it or him.
Slowly caress the genitals by means of dildo. Sensually concern or touch itself and remember, that it is necessary to breathe deeply and exactly, having concentrated on the sensations. Enter dildo, stimulate with it or him ?-muscles and reckon peaks of exaltation. Strain and weaken or relax ?-muscles around dildo and caress a clitoris. Note, that to you it is the most pleasant. When will come nearer to an orgasm, enter dildo as soon as ?-muscles will start to be reduced.
Masturbation with a penis of the partner
After you have some times executed the previous exercise in loneliness, you will be ready to do the same, using a penis of your partner.
Divide or Undresse sensual caress of genitals or oral sex with the partner while at it or him there will not come or step an erection. Lay down on a back and lift legs or foots, and he let will rise between them on knees. He can caress a penis an input or entrance in a vagina. Let he slowly teases your ?-muscles, entering a penis only on inch, and then taking out.
Your partner uses the penis, alternately caressing it or him;them a clitoris and striking ?-muscles. In some minutes he can enter it or him entirely and make a little deep friktsy. As your ?-muscles are started by the previous exercise, they will start to cling to a penis of your partner and to shiver and, probably, will give out the present or true orgasm.
Orgasm at introduction of a penis
Many women think, that the the coitus, the more possibly an orgasm is longer. It is no wonder, as many men think as. It is a myth. The truth that if you were enough excited or raised during the sexual certificate or act the orgasm will occur or happen approximately within 7 minutes. Following exercise shows, that it is not necessary for you long soitie to reach or achieve an orgasm: you can learn to test it or him after 1-2 friktsy at introduction of a penis. The present or true secret of this exercise consists in peaks of exaltation, instead of in penetration of a penis into a vagina.
Your partner lays on a back. Begin is oral or orally-genital caress. When at it or him there will come or step an erection, slowly rub a clitoris and greater or big sexual labiums about a penis, but to enter it or him does not follow. Reach or achieve a level 7 and 8 by means of such stimulation.
Between peaks of the exaltation be engaged in oral sex with the partner that he has reached or achieved a high level of exaltation.
Reach a level 9 by means of friction a penis of your clitoris and external parts of a vagina. Save muscles of legs or foots and ?-muscles so weakened, how much or as far as can. Close eyes and speed up respiration. When you will approach or suit closely to an orgasm, open eyes, deeply inhale and be spread on a penis for its or his full length. You, possibly, will reach or achieve an orgasm approximately for 5 friktsy.
Enjoy, carrying out this exercise until can have an orgasm at the first friktsii. It is better, if you will reach a level 9 some times, than only once or twice, before introduction of a penis, it will raise or increase probability of an immediate orgasm.
Orgasm at introduction of a penis with use of ?-muscles
It is possible to use ?-muscles to promote an orgasm at the first friktsii your partner. Do or make exercise as it is described above but when you will "sit" on its or his penis, in addition to that you will open eyes and deeply will inhale, " slam a mousetrap " and compress ?-muscles around of a trunk of a penis of the partner. Often it causes a powerful or potent orgasm, especially if ?-muscles by then available to a spastic stricture.
Exercise Maneuver of the bridge
Civil construction here is perfect or absolute at anything. Actually it is a giving pleasure way of self-knowledge, and also achievement of sex interaction. The given technique frames the psychological, behavioural bridge between your ability to test an orgasm at self-stimulation of a clitoris and ability to test an orgasm during a coitus.
Your partner lays on a back, and you caress the forward party or side of its or his body and genitals to excite or raise it or him. When there will be an erection, get on its or his penis and begin " peaks and steps of exaltation ", using its or his penis for reception of pleasure. When you will reach or achieve high levels of exaltation, start to stimulate a clitoris with fingers. Masturbirujte before an orgasm by simultaneous stimulation of a clitoris and friktsy your lover. Note the mixed sensations of a masturbation and the sexual certificate or act. With purchase of experience it will be required ever less and to stimulate to you less a clitoris, and your ability you will test an orgasm completely are obliged to a coitus.
There are two versions of this exercise. Both yield the best results if you are from above. Ask the partner to stimulate your clitoris with its or his arm or hand instead of doing or making it most. Or one of you can use dildo or the vibrator for stimulation of a clitoris. It is possible also to try to alternate or interleave peaks of exaltation by means of dildo, your arm or hand, an arm or a hand of the partner and its or his penis.
Imitation of an orgasm
Below one of effective exercises for cases if all of you still experience difficulties with achievement of an orgasm is resulted or brought. Imitation of an orgasm is not easier its or his simulation to give pleasure to your partner and to force it or him to think, that you have an orgasm. On the contrary, imitating an orgasm, you learn to deceive the body that it thought, that you have an orgasm. Sometimes it serves for start of the present or true orgasm. It for certain will work in the event that you can rise up to a level of exaltation 9, but cannot cross a side of an orgasm.
Remember, that the orgasm is a reaction of all body, and not just that occurs or happens in genitals or genitalias. During the moment of an orgasm your face grimaces warp, your arms or hand, a neck and legs or foots convulsively start, and ?-muscles start to be reduced. If you will reproduce these actions at 9 level of exaltation, offensive or approach of an orgasm is rather probable.
Making love to the partner, rise up to a level 9 " with hvostikom " and play an orgasm: deeply breathe, involve a bottom of a stomach or belly, press shoulders into a bed, sharply lift a basin upwards, widely open eyes and weaken ?-muscles. It can provoke the present or true orgasm which you learn or find out on spastic strictures of ?-muscles.
Other way to reach or achieve it or this following: to approach or suit closely to an orgasm and to strain ?-muscles instead of them to weaken. It can give rise to necessary spastic strictures.
The third opportunity: to imagine, that there has come or stepped an orgasm, and to behave how, in your opinion, temperamental women (" I am ready to a finale, Mr. de Mill behave! "). Groan, growl, thresh arms or hand and legs or foots, imitate an orgasm by means of vocal agents as does or makes it Salli in film " When Harry has met Salli ". Illusion as if you the woman erethitic and easily reaching an orgasm, will allow you to familiarize with technics or technical equipment of an orgasm while you will not feel freely in relation to it or him;them safely all over again.
All these methods of a call of an orgasm have something the general or common. The first, you learn focusing of attention, correct respiration and a relaxation to reach extreme, strongest exaltation. You study to be focused so, that any extraneous idea will not distract you when you reach or achieve the culmination of exaltation.
Use these techniques of imitation of an orgasm not for the sake of imitation, but for the sake of schooling to an orgasm. Later you learn to use these trigger mechanisms during the sexual certificate or act. As in any complex or difficult curriculum, the first independent attempts can seem tense. But in due course they become instinctive, both the relaxation and exaltation will open to you a way to a true orgasm.
Disposal of pains of the gynecologic nature
There are two types of pains of the gynecologic nature: a vaginismus and dispareunija. Both of type concern to the sensations caused or called by mental or emotional factors.
Vaginismus - a syndrome at which the ?-muscles surrounding an input or entrance in a vagina, enter into a morbid, uncontrolled spastic stricture. As a result the input or entrance in a vagina is pulled together, and penetration of a penis becomes impossible. As well as the majority of sex problems, a vaginismus causes a disturbing or an alarming status which can be consequence or investigation of a sex trauma, pavor, a disadvantage of sex knowledge or violence. Old methods of treatment consist in learning the woman to enter a series of dilators, hinges of various thickness, into a vagina with the purpose to make its or his accessible. Now more effective, salutary methods are used. Instead of clumsy dilators you can use the arms or hand and arms or hand of your partner to learn to weaken or relax ?-muscles. Below it is spoken, with what it is possible to begin.
Use exercises with the ?-muscles described in chapter or head 4 to find the control over reflexes; special attention give phases of a relaxation between reductions of ?-muscles.
Then try or taste a touch to itself and caress of the genitals, described in chapter or head 2 that it is better to learn or find out the body. If you do not manage to enter a finger inside of a vagina - do not worry, caress it or him outside.
Then repeat the exercises, concerning or touching disposals of alarms and the depressions described in chapter or head 6.
Execute exercises on strengthening of intimal communication or connection and other exercises with the partner from chapters or heads 3 and 5 to gather salutary energy of your partner, but on laskah genitals stop.
If you suffer a vaginismus, can alter these exercises that to you it was convenient. For example, it is possible to break exercise into some fine parts and each time to pass or take place only its or his part. Also it is necessary to be convinced that during performance of each exercise your ?-muscles are weakened. If they strain, stop and return to the previous exercise which delivered to you feeling of comfort. If you cannot define or determine a status of ?-muscles, ask the partner to help or assist you. When you finish performance of this program, try or taste following exercises.
Treatment of a vaginismus: input of a finger
This exercise for you if you have already reached or achieved that stage on which can caress the genitals. Slowly caress a clitoris, greater or big and small sexual labiums, using technics or technical equipment of focusing of sensations. Breathe deeply, relax. Weaken ?-muscles and try to enter an end of a little finger into a vagina approximately on centimeter. Compress around of an end of a finger of the ?-muscle and then again weaken them. Now look or see, whether you can enter a little finger on two centimeters. Again compress and weaken ?-muscles. Repeat these actions while each finger of each arm or hand will freely not enter into a vagina completely. If during any moment you will feel a pain, do not force yourself, return back, to that stage on which you did not have unpleasant sensations.
Input of fingers of the partner
This exercise helps or assists to involve salutary force of your partner. In essence this same, as the above-stated exercise, but instead of your fingers fingers of the partner here are used.
Lay down and accept convenient position, let the partner will lay down series. After caress of the arm or hand and its or his fingers, take its or his arm or hand and serially insert into a vagina each finger, from a little finger up to big. Every time strain and weaken or relax ?-muscles. The arm or hand of your partner should be completely weakened, because it is important, that you defined or determined depth and duration of immersings.
Input dildo (an artificial penis) 1
Buy or Purchase dildo, on the size average between your finger and a penis of your partner. Be arranged more conveniently and follow stages of the previous exercise, only instead of fingers of the partner use dildo. Remember, that it is necessary to breathe deeply, to relax and be focused on positive, sensual sensations.
Input of a soft penis
Follow exercise on the input of a soft penis described in chapter or head 10, but enter it or him only on centimeter, instead of at once all entirely. Then try to enter more eregirovannyj a penis and so on up to a full erection. After that try to execute this exercise in other positions except for lateral perpendicular. Important that you define or determine duration, before it your partner can do or make an angle and depth of input. By that moment you will be ready to try to execute some exercises of a high level from chapter or head 7 and exercises with a coitus from chapter or head 8.
The impression can be made, that on treatment of a vaginismus years will leave, but be patient and do not hurry up - and you will achieve the . And the award will be very great.