Просмотр полной версии : Failures in sex

12.09.2006, 15:02
Zdraste to you. Such situation at me. To me 22 years, very much I like one girl. Attitudes or relations were longly built and as a result she became mine. I have no sex experience and first time I have offered her attitudes or relations of such plan. She tozh the virgin... At me it has not turned out to be excited or raised, though before at laskah there was all very much even anything. After that case I have for a long time gone in cycles and it is possible to tell or say an inclination was gone absolutely. Then it is long not videv it or her, I have noted, that the inclination quietly vozvrashchaetsja.zatem was second time too unsuccessful (same). I fine understand what is it vsledstvii failures of experience and nerves, and second time already operated or worked pavor before fear of a similar discomfiture. I feel myself as physically healthy person in this plan. But here is how to be solved on third time, I know that it is not necessary to think about bad but ideas climb. Can nibud drink that such weakening or relaxing? Or to eat what nibud a tablet?... Though too not absolutely hunting of it or this in fact like nevertheless works:) Understand, I am afraid any more of failure and to lose it or her from for it or this. She for the first time was very much frightened for me. And - I have understood the second that I can not be got or started and have told or said that there are no with themselves condoms. Help or assist please. Yours faithfully. I.

Persi Stent
13.09.2006, 05:58
It passes or takes place easier when attitudes or relations are more confidential... Or one of partners is more skilled. It seems to me, instead of a tablet or weakening or relaxing not bad to esteem something on an intimal subject... The m-yes, besides, features, ponapisyvali now and is a lot of nonsense (there was a good literature) earlier... Or to consult with respective vrachem...

14.09.2006, 20:30
The choice not in to think or about what to not think, and choice in, that
To trust or to not trust the partner (your beloved). Instead of worries about what you impression make, try these impressions to receive. The nature will make all rest for you, it is not necessary to her to stir or prevent;)
I transfer or carry your subject to section of a forum more corresponding or meeting its or her structure. Probably the colleague will correct for me or will offer something the best.

21.09.2006, 11:28
At me the same problem, I want it or her, and this friend does not want probably simply an overexcitement I I can not disassemble!. To drink I do not advise only you will worse make! One it is good to eat advice or council to get enough sleep, cho was poblshe energies, about trust necessarily trust the partner!

01.10.2006, 10:20
Yes here business not in trust! I think, that they very much trust each other. If it is fair, I had a similar situation all over again. Only my problem (if it is possible so to say) consist that I very much worried, and this excitement during the most responsible or crucial moment eclipsed itself desire (though I wanted very strongly).
That I can advise from myself: I think, that you probably caress any time each other, try to not tighten or delay caress and as soon as you will feel, that nahylnulo at once begin and feel the conqueror. To any you have agreed that all will be tenderly and gently, but try to think during this moment only of yourself instead of about her. And when all will begin, again recollect tenderness (though for the first time it will not turn out roughnesses by itself). The main thing that the pavor that " again will not turn out " you did not disturb. Simply feel, that you the muzhik and you this display of love vital. And then all by itself will turn out *)
Everything, that I here have written, it exclusively my ideas and my experience.
Success *)