Просмотр полной версии : ???

19.08.2006, 14:50
Hello, the doctor. If at me some problems with sex (neprvilnoe the attitude or relation to it or him;them in general, absence of an orgasm and t.d) I need to visit or attend the sexopathologist? Or the gynecologist too can consult me in it or this? Simply in our city sexopathologists are not so known (if they in general here are). And whether I can learn or find out data of the sexopathologist from the gynecologist? Can they somehow are connected?

The doctor the sexologist
19.08.2006, 15:45
Hello Bella

Hello, the doctor. If at me some problems with sex (neprvilnoe the attitude or relation to it or him;them in general, absence of an orgasm and t.d) I need to visit or attend the sexopathologist?

Yes it is desirable to act or arrive so.

I do not know, how at you, and at us gynecologists are not engaged in a female sexology. It not their structure. To consult, certainly, the gynecologist can, but not the guarantee that consultation will give you necessary knowledge.
For you I can offer telephone consultation. Details on e-mail.