Просмотр полной версии : Stirs or Prevents a porno

27.06.2006, 23:28
Hello! At me serious attitudes or relations with the man, proceeding 3 years. In the future is or are going to to create family. He very good, correct, kind, all arranges me, except for sex. The matter is that I the man is subject to fatal predilection for pornographic films and a photo. I know, what is it presently it is considered norm or rate, that to it or this men are biassed almost all. But at me following trudnost-that mine the man looks through these materials, I do not want it or him. I cannot be excited or raised, possibly, because of feeling of jealousy and insult. I cannot get rid of these negative feelings, sensible reasonings do not operate or work. In bed I try to be liberated, I am the initiator new, I try to diversify a sexual life. But he all the same does not want and the porno cannot cease to look, I resorted to what dodges. I know, that I am attractive to it or him sexly. I ask you, give advice or council how to cease to experience in occasion of a porno? How to learn to reconcile to it or this? How to return pleasure of sex? I wish to concern to it or this normally because I know, that the man never will leave the habit, and eternally to suffer I do not want! In advance iskrenno I thank, if will help or assist me!

The doctor the sexologist
30.06.2006, 04:06
Hello Rimma

The unequivocal answer to such question to give difficultly. That you are the initiator and diversify the attitudes or relations it very well. But small, but you cannot always be different, we shall tell or say as different ladies in each new film. As probably yours the man vizual (as however, and the majority of men) and consequently to him is pleasant to perceive "sex" by eyes.
Here a couple of offers.
1 It is possible to join it or him;them at viewing videofilms and to continue seen together.
2 Suggest yours to the man to arrange a mirror in your bedroom (on a ceiling, in a wall, at will voobshchem).
3 will try to experiment, being engaged with it or him love before a mirror.

And more one reference to visit or attend with it or him the doctor-sexologist, in this case, probably, to find mutually favourable decision.

I wish you passion and love.

30.06.2006, 20:29
Thanks big, the doctor! One of your advice or councils I probovala-put a mirror, but the man in it or him does not look! I understand, that different I always be at all desire I can not. But the man I am not insolent or hold at myself. He has chosen me. If it is necessary to him always different zhenshchin-let goes. What for then he with me, speaks, what likes? Who makes it or him talk? And to use my love, care, fidelity and simultaneously to have a good time examining of others zhenshchin-in my opinion it meanly. The doctor, I ask you, whether otvette-it is necessary to put to him uslovie-or prekrashaet to look the porno, or we shall leave. I am already close to it or this because to be bothered, not desired, the second grade I do not want. Thanks you, that you is.

The doctor the sexologist
03.07.2006, 17:42
Hello Rimma

To answer your questions, what for he does or makes it I cannot, for the reason that I do not know as to speak something it is necessary to communicate to the person. Any sort of the assumption to put forward I do not want, as also they will appear groundless, for above described reason.
As to a question of the ultimatum which you wish to put forward to him. That I shall risk to assume, that he hardly will conceive that action which would be desirable you, most likely all remains still.
I to you would suggest to talk about its or his inclination to the given motion pictures. But not a kind of reproaches, and as the curious person to whom this "subject" too is interesting. Knowing that, attracts it or him to the given predilection, after possible or probable to offer what or actions.