Просмотр полной версии : Has closed not the necessary firm

20.04.2006, 23:34
Dear forumchane! At me today such joyful event - I should share! At last has got rid of the old firm. 4 years ago we with one friends have founded Open Company, wished to be engaged in trade in elite alcohol, but business is not has gone. The friend has left on the PERMANENT RESIDENCE, and I have remained one. What to do or make with firm which does not bring the income, longly puzzled. A heap of reports in tax to hand over it was necessary, and the salary to pay to the bookkeeper... Vobshchem, a heap of money and nerves on it or this has lost. And here, I sit somehow in the morning at a computer, and mechanically I type or collect different addresses - I am engaged i.e. aimless a web-surfing. Has typed or collected (http: // www.likvidator.ru) - interestingly, I think, what for Likvidator. Ru such? What they there liquidate? It appears, LIQUIDATE FIRMS! And it is fast, all for 10 days!!! I somehow earlier in tax called, asked, how it is possible to close staying idle firm? There to me have responded, that on it the minimum year (well that to itself will leave!!!), Moreover it is necessary to pass or take place tax check which is not known what penalties will terminate... And here - closing of firm of all for 10 days! Beauty! I Have addressed in this Liquidator, all of them for one day have prepared the necessary papers, I have signed, and it is more in general did or made than nothing, and did not go anywhere (only once to the notary) - all of them have registered in IFNS, and documents that for me more any enterprise is not registered after registration have given out. Now at last I feel the independent person! Ur! I am sorry, if not in a subject, and it is too emotional - simply mood such excellent or different:) Thanks that have read up up to the extremity or end. P.S., now I think - can open one more firm, to me here one good business-idea have thrown...