Просмотр полной версии : Earnings on the Internet! TRY or TASTE, WILL not regret!!!

Not registered
25.01.2006, 02:18
Greetings to all!

Dear sirs, moderators!
Do not delete please, this report! Enable people to earn!

I to you here shall tell, how it is very easy or light to earn money!!!

Whether you if to you will tell or say will believe, what it is possible to earn 10000 $ and more for a short time interval at an investment of all in 6 $?
Personally I have not believed!
But has read up up to the extremity or end and my opinion has changed.

I have come across it at one forum and have decided to try or taste. Fermenting as it is usual, on different sorts to forums I have found this clause or article in which it is spoken that it is possible to make thousand dollars for couple of weeks at an investment only 6 $. Well..., I have thought, it should be the next chesspiece for lohov, but has decided all taki to read up, posmejatsja and to learn or find out, how now to people noodles on ears hang up.

Further there it was spoken, that it is necessary to send 1 $ on 6 Internet of purses which requisites are listed below. Then to strike the first purse off the list, that, having displaced the list on one line upwards and having released or exempted the sixth where you should enter number or room of the purse and dispatch or deliver the given report with you on the sixth line on 200 different forums.

I have reflected and have thought, that I lose nothing, except for 6 $ and have tried or tasted.
Some my friends in this occasion speak, that promised tens thousand dollars it is unreal. The matter is that they not up to the extremity or end satisfy a condition of this project and send the offer in too small quantity or amount of forums.
All in your arms or hand!!!


1. You need to be registered in system Yandex Money which is to the address of http: // money.yandex.ru / .horoshenko familiarize with the given system as she works, download the Internet-purse, choose optimum for itself a variant of updating of a purse from a page http: // money.yandex.ru/in / , bring 6 $ (180 roubles) on the purse.
2. Take first number or room of a purse from nizheukazannogo the list, send on it or him 30 rbl. (having entered this number or room in a floor or field Number or Room of the bill: ; in fields the Name of the addressee and E-mail the addressee to enter it is necessary nothing), in a floor or field the Contract/purpose or appointment of payment: write " Please, enter into me list ndex of purses ". Everything, that you have made are have created service, and the most important - absolutely legally. You ask lawful service for which pay. Send 6 $ on following purses (in everyone on 1 $!!! It is possible in roubles 30.!!!):
Now delete from this list the first purse, having moved that the list for one line above (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4 ..) Also enter in a 6-thuja a line your purse.

3. Place this clause or article at not less than 200 forums and news lines (News Groups). Remember, the more you place, the above there will be your income, and this income on a straight line will depend on you. This business continues to exist and prosper only owing to honesty and gravity of participants. So, when you reach or achieve the first position you will have thousand dollars simply as the founder of the list! It costs or stands 6 $ and absolutely trifling job!!!!!
Borrow or Occupy in it or this now - not putting off!!!!!
Time of money!!!

Now I shall tell, why you in any case lose nothing, but only win! We shall tell or say from 200 accommodations I shall receive only 5 answers (very low digit). Means, I shall make 5 $ being on 6 positions in the list. Now these or it 5 people do or make besides the MINIMUM of 200 accommodations with my purse on 5 positions, and only 5 people respond those to the first 5 is already 25 $. Further these or it do or make 25 people on 200 accommodations with my purse on 4 line and only 5 respond - my income 125 $. Now these or it of 125 people having placed and having received only on 5 answers give me 625 $ profit (I on 3 positions). Is more ridiculous further: These or It 625 do or make on a minimum of 200 accommodations with me on 2 line and only 5 people respond are 3125 $. Most interesting it that these or it 3125 people will make even on 200 accommodations, well and if they will be responded only by 5 people that I already I receive 15625 $. It seems to me, impressive digit... And this all for the initial contribution in 6 $. When you in the list already are not present you simply send 6 $ to those people from the list and put the purse on 6 position and again place. You can present yourselves, that thousand people from all world join the Internet and read these clauses or articles every day. As well as you now read this!!! So? Whether whether you will spend 6 $ what to learn or find out it works???

It is a line for pessimists: And if this business will fail, and anybody will not send money to me???
Well also what?! Every day on the Internet appear from 20000 new users. Under forecasts of experts only in Russia by 2006 the quantity or amount of Internet users will increase with present 9 million users up to 21 million! What chances, what they all the same will want to try or taste themselves in something new???

Remember, the more reports you place, the above there will be your income, and this oxo on a straight line will depend on you.

How to distribute the information at forums:
1. We open poiskovik rabler.ru, yandex.ru, google.co, aport.ru, yahoo.co (or any py)
2. We write in a line of search a phrase: " to begin a new subject "
3. poiskovik will find thousand pages, links on which at once result or bring on page for filling a new subject of a forum.
Make it now and grow rich!!!