Просмотр полной версии : Not,-its, dear or expensive, neither in Kishinev, nor in Moscow...

10.11.2005, 14:16
Not,-its, dear or expensive, neither in Kishinev, nor in Moscow, yours Muhobrose, in Tashkent there is no such exact equipment to not confuse illness or disease the Crone with tumours or vashche not clear etiology of rotten stuff in an intestine, autoimmune protsessy-are very ungrateful or thankless to doctors, they frequently "wander", not having convicted the degree of murder for the concrete person, I shall notice, are strongly similar to how you aimlessly wander on this site, all trying to discover Marju, Darya, Akulinu. Borrow or occupy better proctal or anal seksom-more advantage or benefit for your partner, than rassusolivat on the subjects far from your comprehension.

For general or common your development: the Etiological factor of disease is not established or installed. It is necessary to treat not illness or disease, and all ORGANISM AS A WHOLE. To honey, be not afflicted, in 79 % of cases vse-taki this illness or disease remains not distinguished or recognized and remains a riddle for scientific medicine. Udachki, to you, dear or expensive!
In recently spent research high frequency of presence of specific sequence of DNA Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in bioptatah an intestine of the patients, suffering by illness or disease the Crone is revealed. Though assumptions of role MAP in an etiology of illness or disease the Crone already expressed earlier, researches of prevalence of these microorganisms yielded inconsistent results by virtue of that the given originator comes difficultly to light or is difficultly taped as traditional microbiological methods, and by means of polimeraznoj chain reaction (PTSR).

Researchers of the Heidelberg university (Germany) have tested by means of PTSR bioptaty an intestine of 100 patients with illness or disease the Crone, 100 - with a ulcerative colitis and 100 patients without inflammatory diseases of an intestine on p = D.