Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist!!! All to fall!!!

03.10.2005, 16:57
Day kind. My name is Michael, me 23 years.
At me a following problem, likely I am correct with orientirovlja and I ask a question to you. I meet the girl 3 months, her 21 year. Attitudes or relations at us remarkable, but here, as to a sex life then hitch turns out!! At me all by way of with a sexual life, never faced any problems. Was so, that when I met the girl, and, she very much liked me, at there came the period of romanticism-we started to meet, the first night passed or took place -th was longly got or started! Referred to excitement and I thought otom that she has not thought, that slobak any! But later time, all was adjusted, the same night, and then all was simply remarkable! And so there was prokticheski with each girl with which I met. I shall notice, that bed occurrings for one night, passed or took place on hurrah!!! All was like clockwork, are then sonorous, smski, etc. all was pleasant to All!! But here with this girl, at me it is impossible!! She if it is possible so to say, my ideal on appearance and the person she remarkable, likely I on her marry......!!! So, here, but we already had so much nights, but I not as cannot. When all begins, when I see this beautiful bared body, at me the spirit grasps!!! I begin...., and there and anything is not present!! Me!!!! I am simple in a shock!! Any of caress from its or her party or side result or bring only on half of my ability. I do not have erection!!!! What's the matter??? It is not so similar to excitement. When we kiss, I it or her everywhere touch or tamper with-th am raised or excited!! But, when business reaches sex immediately, I in general any-zero!!! Yes, I in the beginning tried to give to her pleasure and at me it has turned out. For me the most important that the girl has been unchained to oral sex. I am pleasant like to her this pleasure and I receive from it or this additional stimulus. So was and this time, only at me stimulus that!!! With a situation all is good.
Voobshchem help or assist me, I do not want, that we otneshnija were lost for the sake of any erundi!!!
With uvozheniem, Michael

06.10.2005, 10:27
Listen, uvozhaemyj! And as to me it or him to find, how to it or him;them to address!!????