Просмотр полной версии : All less often and less often I want

01.08.2005, 10:20
Hello! To me 22 years, a sexual life live from 18 years. My problem that about one year me all less often and less often visits or attends sex desire and a sex inclination to the man. Before of me of such phenomena it was not observed, on the contrary I always was the initiator! Help or assist me to understand please, what to me occurs or happens??? I have a constant partner, I very much value it or him and I do not wish it or him to lose!

Dr. Plakatin
17.08.2005, 13:57
Your problem is covered not in sexuality, and in psychology. It is necessary for you to visit or attend the psychologist and to talk to it or him about simple at first sight things. There should be any conflict and it is necessary to understand it or this. Yours faithfully. L.A.Plakatin. www.neoclinic.ru

22.08.2005, 01:27
There can be a plenty of stresses recently. Depression of an inclination as first attribute maskiravannoj dipressii. Visit or attend the doctor.