Просмотр полной версии : Orgasm vrastjazhku

Olga With.
23.06.2005, 00:40
The doctor hello! To Me 20. I finish from 15 years only with pom.strui soul (klitoralnyj an orgasm). A sexual life - 2 years. When I make love to the guy, to me it is very good, but approach or approximation of an orgasm is not present. Only when he from above rises on ruah, something starts to occur or happen. But he, seeing AS I react to it, soon finishes from one my kind:) But has put at all in it or this. And that I feel REALLY opportunity of an orgasm only when he enters fingers into a vagina and quickly moves. Eventually I start to feel approach or approximation of an orgasm, but at the same time this sensation becomes intolerable, I ask it or him to stop, t.k.bolno and it is already unpleasant. It is possible to tell or say, what I finish as though "vrastjazhku"? What to us to do or make with it or this? Whether and : such "love" to fingers what with my first guy, 3 years ago, we were engaged only in such petting and I very much liked it or him? Though, if it is fair - with whom I now, I too very much like. And very much pleasure to observe an orgasm of the beloved would be desirable to present him!