Просмотр полной версии : The desire comes only after lask

31.01.2005, 23:47
Zdrastvujte, to me 22 years. At me a problem with exaltation.

I start to be raised or excited only after my young man starts me to caress in a perineum. First I begin is angry, though I understand, that sex of times in two weeks for 20-years men is insufficient. And only if he is persevering in these or it laskah I am raised or excited - and this exaltation is pleasant to me - as a result I test an orgasm.

During other time absolutely nothing would be desirable me. It is not pleasant to me when he kisses me - he does or makes it very enough raspingly, nenaroshno certainly, very much me compresses, squeezes. On requests me to not squeeze - responds - " We make love very seldom, I would like to embrace you ".

We meet already almost year. First three months were unreal sex sometimes on 6 times a day. And then I have picked up a cystitis - began to make love painfully. And after it or him has cured desire has come to naught.

In the rest our attitudes or relations it is normal, if it is fair, I in general would not be engaged in it or this, only disturbs that so should not be. I simultaneously would like to want and it would not be desirable than to be engaged.

Advise me though something. Never about such heard. I do not know what to do or make.

mrs. Psy
02.02.2005, 09:17
One question: you still like it or him?

02.02.2005, 15:32
No. I do not know. I can not understand.
I without it or him cannot. I miss.
Not the love, attachment is more probably.
It so is not clear - me in itself arranges, all that I wanted in itself is. And to like, i.e. to accept its or his such what he I can not eat. All I hope that he will mature. He is more younger than me for two years. Experience in sex at it or him a little. He, I think as well as all at its or his age, aspires to pass at once to business.

Up to it or him I had attitudes or relations with the young man. We met three years. He was the first. With sex too there were problems. I lost virginity very morbidly and almost half a year. Then I would like it or him, and he to me did not bring satisfaction. And soon we have practically ceased to be engaged in sex. I have weaned from it or this. I would not like at all and he especially did not insist. Whether liked it or him is difficultly now to understand, though I have accepted it or him such what he is - with all disadvantages. And now simply I do not wish to go on it. I am afraid it will be dissolved in the present young man.

More nobody is necessary to me. To leave? A variant to not excruciate it or him. But process morbid. I do not want and cannot.

mrs. Psy
09.02.2005, 13:14
At me such impression, that or you not all have told or said, or I not have understood all.
How you concern to sex in general? Whether Masturbiruete you? Whether there were in your past episodes which could bring a dyscomfort (rape, dissolute actions) in sex attitudes or relations?

10.03.2005, 00:50
No, any rapes, dissolute actions.

Though. The husband of my sister has suggested me to borrow or occupy by phone in sex. He then the truth has called, has apologized. I was then is very shocked. Now it's OK. Normally with it or him we communicate.

Then at school. My young man - yes so it or him and to name it is impossible - has simply started to meet it or him to spite of the girlfriend. (very much me wanted. I would not like, but it seemed, that I should him concede. At the last minute I refused to him. Never I shall forget its or his naked costing or standing series with me with the risen member - vile feeling).

Strangely enough has started to recollect it or this just now.

I not mastrubiruju. What for?
For me always there is this question? What for? What for, if it is possible to have a sleep, polazit in And-not Those or That? What for this devil's sex is necessary?

But in fact same it is not correct! So should not be. Should be on the contrary. Though. Can has seen enough has simply seen enough cinema.