Просмотр полной версии : Has disappeared libido and sensitivity of a vagina

21.02.2005, 10:19
Hello the Doctor! To me 30 years, live in happy marriage or spoilage 10 years. To a daughter 2 years.
I do not nurse the child 20 months, but the lactemia till now does not stop. Special problems with health never had also a sex life it was happy or enough, but one month ago as prophylaxis accepted preparation Trojchatka "Evalar" then has disappeared libido and sensitivity of a vagina. I understand, that all it kak-that is interconnected but as well as what now to do or make I do not know. I and the partner very much rastroeny.
I live in republic where while there are no doctors of such structure and prokunsultirovatsja there is nobody. Help or assist, please.
In advance you I thank.

22.02.2005, 22:48
Good afternoon! The first that it is necessary sdelat-to hand over hormones of a blood, and in particular to find out a level of Prolactinum. The saved lactemia during so long period can grow out the hormonal changes occuring or happening in an organism of the woman at pregnancy and in the postnatal or puerperal period. Depression libido as can be connected with the given problem. At revealing hormonal changes I advise to address for the help to endocrinologists. After reception of results of analyses, write.

Queen Svetlana Vladimirovna, k.m.n., the urologist, the sexologist.