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The Moon (dock. Isaev, prochtite pozhalujsto)
11.07.2004, 00:53
Hello. And personally I against homosexuals. You posudite. Sex has been thought up by the nature for continuation of a sort, and at homosexuals of posterity cannot be. Znachet on ideii the inclination to the floor has not been incorporated in a brain by the nature. Accordingly it only ubezhdeniee, mental disease. Unless not so? I consider or count, that such people should prenuditelno be treated (as others mentally sick). The doctor, I wish to hear yours profesianalnoe opinion on the bill of my "theory". To you I shall be very grateful.

12.07.2004, 01:06
Excuse for sudden intrusion: - (((your theory neobosnovana for gomoseksualov it is much less, than naturalov. Tell or say, if began to treat Tchaikovsky, probably the world never would hear its or his greatest creations. Each person idividualen also it is necessary to perceive it or him such what he is:-))) To treat is possible from a tuberculosis, a cancer, other serious illnesses. A true homoeroticism do not treat, lrugoe business when it is pursued as the fashionable tendency or obsession by someone from the outside, forcing the person and forcing to cohabitation. Such things are inadmissible, but the fact remains the fact and they take place to be: - (((

14.07.2004, 09:10
To treat gays there is no need, et it is exact. Only tax money for a wind to throw out. And here to supervise them rasprostronenie it is necessary, t. To. " This fashionable tendency " rasprostronjaet an infection, also takes away from many women of high-grade husbands))) Too much them has divorced, it is exact. I am rude, as always, yes Margosha? I unlike the some people, children a grove, would be desirable for them a normal life....

18.07.2004, 01:10
Yes we kak-that all of children rastim... Well also what it or this we are proud? And now about your ideas which are terrible... " To supervise their diffusion... " Lady, you in the mind or wit? You talk about alive people with the needs or requirements, desires, feelings, love at last. It not seems to you, that Hitler already supervised certain displays of a life and mors, decided that to live, to that bullet in a temple, whom in a concentration camp, and whom on the ashes. Immediately finish fascist propogandu! What to you business up to people, unlike you? Yes gays frequently better, more talently, more pleasantly and more faithfully any naturala. You alive and a bright example what the person SHOULD not be! And if you still in addition to all mother, forgive or excuse, it is possible to regret your children only: - (((you are already precisely assured, what will not comprehend or overtake your son uchast sekusualnyh menshinstv? And if the daughter becomes the lesbian, you will send it or her in the gas chamber? Do not bury or do not go too far and do not promise, the young woman! Cleaning spend in the soul, and that otmesti, if you the person reasonable there is what to look:-))) Usually that be afraid, it turns out, I warn it is not necessary to quote me on advantage-grounds for you. I have expressed the opinion and only the :-))) TERPIMEE it is necessary TO be, UNBALANCED LADY!

21.07.2004, 13:21
Not to you to judge my steadiness. I am not afraid of gays, to destroy them I do not propagandize, and so is obsessionally rasprostronjat, to give them so much attention, there is no need. Let live to itself silently in the gnilenkom mirochke. If we shall start them to support or maintain, skorenko is valid many normal boys to go over on their party or side. Probably your reflections are proved, you in Russia live. And here I, walking on streets of the Europe, am spat seeing lobzanija on benches. I would not like, that my son, ahead of time saw these distortions))) And it is not necessary to frighten me of my children, leave in myself though that that sacred and so all has vulgarized...

24.07.2004, 06:38
Look as though at you have not spat yes tea have not smeared. What nebyl!:-(((

26.07.2004, 23:00
Wildnesses or Absurdities any here speak! Gays the same people as we, only less aggressive. It is better smiling and friendly gays, than maniacs of type CHikatilo!

The anonym
30.07.2004, 13:55
That that is incorporated geneticheski-not treated. It is natural. The homoeroticism too is present at the wild nature and he has arisen not later than the Earth. Another delo-an eternal subject of mutual relations of people...

03.08.2004, 01:13
I vshi in comparison with your denseness do not suit anywhere....... .utro begins with you, you stick out in the same place at night, and all the day long you stir up people: - (((

03.08.2004, 23:54
And chyo raskvohtalis? Gays were, is and will eat. And what to you up to them? The Piece of bread select or job iz-zi them for the priests cannot receive?

05.08.2004, 00:00
Know, the Moon, I do not know as in the Europe and in America Canada for such statements in public can get in court... Such here the life has gone. As a whole I agree with Margoshej (with the first post): people happen different. Gays different happen... And many of them - very decent lovely people (talented, besides)... By the way - such tendency is not only among people, but also among animals, so, not we one such izvrashchentsy:-) Try to look at it easier. P. S. And more (if you yet in a course): recently (and it is successful) the experiment spent by physicians confirms an opportunity zaimet the general or common child to two individuals of a female... And there, you look - and up to men nearby:-)

05.08.2004, 13:14
JUlja, you do not frighten the author of a question. To me it seems to the person it is necessary to explain its or his delusion and it is healthy, that is where also to that to write, esteem opinions of people and certainly our wise doctor Isaeva D. who will give fuller characteristics and the resume as to scientists, and doctors on the set subject:-)))

Isaev D.D.
07.08.2004, 11:17
One of parameters of democracy and civilization in the country is the attitude or relation to minority, including sex minority. In all countries which try to approve or confirm a primate of the person (instead of dictatorships!) there is only one condition at which person it is possible to treat besides its or his desire is an irresponsibility! Even the mental patient if he is not recognized deranged, cannot be violently placed in hospital for treatment. Its or his right to solve or decide wishes to get rid he of an illness or not! Especially, what we have is right for mentally healthy person to decide whom to like to him? It is its or his private or individual life! And by what right someone interferes in it or her without the permission? Who can incur the rights of the Lord of the God and specify where its or his "half"?
Numerous researches already for a long time have shown, that about any mental disease in case of homosexuality there is no also a speech. I can tell or say also, that I surveyed about thousand gomoseksualov and did not see among them more sick, than among other part of a society! (according to modern classification the homoeroticism is not illness or disease, since 1974 homosexuality is excluded from the list of mental diseases). In overwhelming majority of cases of the face with homosexual orientation are quite satisfied by the features, accept them and do not state desire to change orientation. " Unsatisfied " make approximately 5 % of all gomoseksualov. They also address to experts with the request for treatment. To solve the problem on an opportunity and expediency of change of an orientation of an inclination, it is necessary to pass or take place psychological inspection. Whether it can show homosexuality is "true", the integral quality of the given person or wears "secondary" character in which basis neurotic problems of attitudes or relations with an opposite floor lay, blockade primarily geteroseksualnogo inclinations. In the second case psychotherapeutic correction is possible or probable, is peer as the first case - she is counter-indicative, as can lead to adverse consequences in the form of a neurotic status. But, I emphasize, the decision on what psychological help can be rendered, is accepted only on the basis of the profound studying the person addressed!
You speak about the nature? And so the nature also frames the most different people! And views similar to yours are prejudices and gomofobija! It is necessary to be terpimee and to not impose the tastes and predilections to another!

08.08.2004, 12:08
My opinion is those. As well as any deviation or rejection of that " was available in view of " the nature, the homoeroticism is an illness or a disease. Also it is not necessary here to political correctness and t. The item Probably, at the majority of people in the world is a myopia, and nevertheless, it is illness or disease as obviously to some extent breaks function of an organism - vision. The homoeroticism breaks the main function of an organism in general (from the point of view of biology).
Another matter, that as well as all we, gays - people. That is why they deserve happiness. Hence, the law cannot do or make these people unfortunate, so to say, without need. If the person as at some other mental diseases, itself does not supervise and can be dangerous to a society - it or him treat. If its or his illness or disease does not carry threat to associates - that let to itself lives. And the unions let frame, if want. But! Contrary to the outlined tendencies, it does not mean, that it is necessary to recognize a homoeroticism the same natural phenomenon, as well as geteroseksualizm. It is necessary to realize precisely, what is it illness or disease, and children should understand too it to themselves. And as the humane civilized people, we should create conditions that these patients did not feel restrained that they had an opportunity to be realized and, by means of reasonable adaptations, messages the active, sated or saturated life including sexual.
Just in case I inform, that I live in the USA and I study in postgraduate study on a speciality Molecular Biology.

11.08.2004, 11:56
Having read through you there was a desire you to kiss! More exact words also you will not pick up. I now at least know how to talk to children on this subject, you I shall quote. All kommenty the modern doctors, inspiring to us, what is it absolute norm or rate, a poppycock. Thanks you huge, successes in career!

14.08.2004, 15:00
Nika, well you the ignoramus! Have compared malchishku-the post-graduate student on molikuljarnoj biology and the Dear doctor which during ten years zanietsja questions seksopotologii! It is necessary so!! The Doctor voobshchem that only has confirmed my opinion on you as gomofoba! As was to be shown as they say! I completely (and it is natural) agree with g-nomas Isaevym! Can to me not ovtechat. .i so enough here have told. .vashe I know opinion... Well that such as you live not in Russia....

16.08.2004, 15:15
The))) has clearly been written to everyone, people which are sick of this illness or disease, do not understand the illness or disease, but in effect they are harmless. I do not call whom that to destroy, or to treat violently. But I do not want, that my children looked at it as on norm or rate, will not wait.

The anonym
19.08.2004, 21:43
Interestingly, I gomofobija am treated?
And if gomofob it is aggressive and calls for violence, and even its or his (violence) is torn to show physically (in relation to sex. To minority), whether that it is necessary to treat it or him compulsorily? And?

Dime - Olga
20.08.2004, 07:22
The molecular biology, unfortunately, does not learn or teach morals, tolerance, to respect to similar. It is almost a shame to me reading yours vysokomerno-caategorical, that I - geteroseksualna.

Olga - Nike.
21.08.2004, 00:36
" The " has been written to everyone on hiluses Osventsima.

The anonym
22.08.2004, 16:47
Olja, you have not gone too far?

23.08.2004, 17:08
It completely agree with Dimoj and Nikoj. It probably normal people. As pochitav statements Margoshi there is an opinion that she to concern to sex minority. As it is possible vobshche to praise these essences " Yes gays frequently better, more talently, more pleasantly and more faithfully any naturala. ", Disgustingly simply, yes on them you will look or see and you see that they normal are not similar to people all kind, manners, behaviour. They cause disgust in normal people and the more so at children. They simply irritate me, not their fault certainly but as I shall present the muzhik with the muzhik disgustingly and dirtly. An another matter of the woman. It is beautiful, the woman in itself the standard of beauty and cleanliness. But gays it already too, thanks God at us in Ukraine are not present " lobzany on benches ", and that it or him would be bad (there will be itdi a company of guys normal yes as will give them that it not seemed a little). They need or to be treated or destroyed (it is better to treat people all taki). From them and spid has gone, can present itself how much people already iz-for them was lost. To treat it still happiness for these bad people. Hitler was the great and clever person only has far come.
Accepting gomosuksualizm in the society, can primim group sex either perverted or juvenile, let's create conditions for destruction of beauty of human nature, we shall transform sex into a mud, instead of in beauty and harmony of human attitudes or relations.

The anonym
26.08.2004, 16:17
Jack, at us in Ukraine is not present? You whom treat, Petlyura not finished? At you and suchek too is not present, which have glorified Ukraine for the whole world the selling skin and bodies.

Dima - Olga
27.08.2004, 18:34
Olga, I suffer or bear, I even have one drug-the homosexual.
I shall not argue on tolerance, etc. as it is all emotions. But I, as the biologist, cannot name healthy people at whom the basic function of an organism - duplication is broken or disturbed. Separate homosexuals can be as much as talented and interesting as people, etc., but in connection with such large disturbance I cannot consider or count their healthy in this aspect. The Homere was blind, Beethoven has become deaf - all this does not belittle their genius. And nevertheless, that they had these illnesses - the fact. That is why it is necessary to allow to these people to live a normal life what they want, BUT to not equate this deviation or rejection to norm or rate because it is unnatural, and it is not necessary to be seven spans in a forehead that it to see. To learn or teach children of tolerance, BUT to not learn or teach their volume, what is it - one more variant of norm or rate. Men can like blondes or brunettes and t. The item, but it does not break their natural functions, therefore such preferences - norm or rate. The skin can be white, black, yellow, and the nose direct or hamular is all too variants of norm or rate as functions are not broken or disturbed, and one variant gives advantage in one conditions, another - in others. It is called a polymorphism and is a basis of successful existence of a kind. However any essence which cannot be made multiple copies - an essence sick, unfortunately. That's all. Despite of the consent with me Jack, its or his statement for me is absolutely unacceptable, as it is impregnated chelovekonenavistnichestvom, and I only try to show, that a homoeroticism - illness or disease, but I do not hate patients and I consider or count their normal in other aspects.

The anonym
29.08.2004, 20:51
Dima, it is not necessary okryvat America again, t. To. She already for a long time is opened or open... To scientists it is proved, that gomoseksualizm-it not illness or disease and will suffice to do or make new opening. You study up, spend a heap of experiences, observations, eat pood salt with these people, and then enter innovations into discoveries if you can convince. Be healthy!