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23.05.2004, 20:59
Hello! Help or assist pozhelujsta advice or council. Two weeks ago I have married (me 21 year, the virgin). To my husband 31. Problems already in the first marriage night Also have begun. I plainly itself do not understand what not so, but the following turns out. As soon as he starts to insert it or him into me the penis or does not get, or hardly will pass or take place and slips out me. Up to the extremity or end into me does not enter, can and has passed or has taken place but the husband early finishes. Has passed or has taken place three weeks and I dosih do not know pores the virgin I or already was not present. Thankful in advance.

27.05.2004, 04:52
a ti prover s druqim mujikom

Clara Tselkina
28.05.2004, 17:25
Problem or Task.
The virgin has married 2 weeks ago.
" Has passed or Has taken place three weeks " ()...
Question: whether there was she devstvennitsoj in the first marriage night?..
My dear, mozh vse-taki to the doctor also we shall stop it mozgoepstvo?

The anonym
29.05.2004, 11:04
And what to you a difference now: the virgin or not?

31.05.2004, 11:35

01.06.2004, 02:37
The second problem or task: the girl has asked in hope to receive from more skilled or experienced forumchan and doctors the answer to a question which she has the full right to consider or count for herself important. Have responded - boorishly, especially Clara Tselkina whom (-yj,-th), probably, considers or counts itself extremely clever and not ordinary (-ym), by originality of a pseudonym and causing comments. A question number or room one: whether there are among responded intelligent people? A question number or room two: so far as have opened the given forum, whether it is impossible to ask, that he was more rigidly moderated and more often there would be answers of doctors, instead of any rascals?

05.06.2004, 00:13
Show the husband andrologu-to the urologist

06.06.2004, 20:48
It is possible to descend or go simply on reception to the gynecologist. At survey all also will be found out.

Malkova Alain
09.06.2004, 18:39
What for to wait experiences forumchan, pani Elena? At everyone the experience, and situations different. For this purpose there are DOCTORS to that it is yet clear?

13.06.2004, 12:41
Yes you esteem this Clara though you will smile, and you esteem Elena you will begin to sob with boredom and monotony. The good fellow to think and soar a moderator that enables freely in flight of imaginations!!! You will listen to the silly psychotherapist and sexologist Sashu Paleeva, at once there are associations, that all vrachi-psychiatrists the same bores and confused, as he. An, no! Esteem g-on Isaeva! At itself there is all: mind or wit. Professionalism, feeling of a measure and a step, but at all this he allows to communicate normally to patients. At many still milk on labiums has not dried, and all would like love, sincerity and dialogue on peer. Unique wish KLARE: without mata! Please!:))

16.06.2004, 08:31
marusja. Your husband is more senior than you on the whole ten. It or he for certain has more than experience than at some local forumchan. As married it or him, you have made its or his most person close to you. Talk to it or him, discuss with it or him this problem. Can be to you such pose or what those its or his actions does not resemble. Talk with muzheem and find out all.

Clara Tselkina
19.06.2004, 14:24
pi. si. Liked mine, all thanks. Has gone to learn or teach literary Russian. And more, niknejm not zaregin, so, the request to not discredit honour and Clara Tselkinoj's advantage which I uzho observe!

23.06.2004, 01:36
Anna, and you wanted, that marusja "tried or tasted" positions or studied or investigated the Kama Sutra with forumchanami?

25.06.2004, 11:03
Nikosha, and you come here to have fun?

29.06.2004, 01:10
Dear Alain, I also would like to see here more often doctors. And in occasion of desire that advice or council have helped or assisted forumchane, I consider or count, that in it or this there is nothing reprehensible. Anna, for example, has expressed the opinion correctly, and I too with it or him agree. I against platitude and mata which meets here quite often. That's all...

01.07.2004, 09:41
Know, such sensation all of you were born skilled or experienced and all knowing. As though anybody from you, mile of the girl, never was the virgin, and did not test problems and awkwardness at the first sexual certificates or acts. I think, that instead of trying to discover in words marusi contradictions or to altercate, it would be better to help or assist really to her advice or council.
Certainly, I not the doctor, but my opinion the following. That you, marusja, describe, is perfect or absolute nomralno and svjazanno with your effectiveness and, excuse for roughness, "nerazrabotannostju" genitals. In due course it will pass or take place. That Vashch the husband quickly finishes, too, in obshchem-that not terribly. In fact he to you likes and wants and n had opportunities before wedding to be engaged with you in sex. Besides, your attempts to make love, for cleanly physiological reasons, do not stimulate your genitals, but I stimulate its or his genitals. Therefore it seems to you, that anything has not begun yet, and he has already terminated. I would offer 2 things:
1. Vo-the first to discuss with the husband, whether the ejaculation for it or him is earlier typical or all how I have assumed. If it for it or him a typical problem it is necessary to visit or attend the doctor and all to correct. Believe, it n is lethal and is treated.
2. Vo-the second, let your husband will start to stimulate all over again your genitals with arms or hand, labiums and t. Item, not zadejstvuja the genitals or genitalias. It pomozhatr askrytsja to your genitals also will excite or raise you. Only posl it or this pass to immediate contact.
And the main thing: try or taste, try or taste and try or taste! Necessarily it is pleasant to you.

03.07.2004, 14:42
Alexander of the right and about whom she wrote it about lovely girls?

05.07.2004, 11:38
Anybody did not die of a kind portion of laughter yet. Elena, what for to you of the doctor, you so are clever, here and conduct this conference. Personally for me your groans cause only contempt. When pair neopytna, she should most read, work above herself and to develop or produce technics or technical equipment of sex. Though itself ljubov-there is a natural gift or for nothing, but to read and be educated vse-taki does not stir or prevent. It's nothing efficient have offered Maruse? Only they know to one why occurs or happens so, instead of differently. My grandmother has married in 16 years and three weeks remained the virgin. I think, that the grandfather who was equal twice is more senior, too had then not enough wisdom in occasion of sex education. But 21 centuries or blepharons, literatures full full also it is necessary to be so grey brainless to deprive with itself simple and at the same time very complex or difficult things. STUDY!:))

08.07.2004, 02:19
marusja! The body and a body of the husband it is necessary to study or investigate for sure, the nobility all erogenic zones, to show and suggest to learn novelty every day, each hour, every minute during employment or occupations by love. Skills, understanding, ponimnie and sensation each other come frequently not at once though many pairs or steams feel each other intuintivno at a level of a subconscious mind and who else studies or investigates technics or technical equipment, that will always be on the ball voluptuousness, will be always satisfied. Forgive or excuse, but in 31 year your husband either the deep fool, or a sick impotent: - ((

The anonym
10.07.2004, 08:53
"Elena", yes a forum have opened "not so far as", and davnym for a long time and you perfectly know it. What do you mean under intellegentnostju? The mot yet Is red does not mean __ _ full, but to consider or count and think tabloidno-zheltopressnaja korrespondentochka which passes or misses through itself _ _ _ the CIS countries _ starozadyh Europeans...? It is not necessary vjakat about the intellegentnosti. Yes, by the way about mate: _ _ _ on the left both _ and rjumahu not away to pass or miss, whence at you intellegentnost? But Clara has picked up, has seen in her not the person, and a neutral gender. And sudi-that who? My God, even it was not shone, defying respectableness which is not present and in a mine!!! Pour a wine-glass, light or smoke sigarku, take a bite jablochko, offered Volodej, swear krepenkim a mot and pass to creation of songs. Has thanks God tightened the chubby, split cheeks, but brains already and not podnjanut: ((((((((((((((

11.07.2004, 05:13
Nikosha! You still did not hear my groans, I reproduce them only in one situation... So your contempt - vain. I liked a phrase: " But 21 centuries or blepharons, literatures full full also it is necessary to be so grey brainless to deprive with itself simple and at the same time very complex or difficult things. STUDY!:)) " it you do not need to study. Your speech - a rattling admixture of common sense and absolute senselessness. I at all do not understand, that you so have enraged in my opinion. Simply it was not pleasant to me, that on a question of the young girl ironic and tactless reflections at a level mata fell down. It is simply ugly. In occasion of your advice or councils Marusi - all is quite good, but besides, what for you offend husband Marusi? Here these your "groans" cause in me contempt.

Elena - anonymous
12.07.2004, 01:01
I respond: the intelligent person, at least, writes a word "intelligence" through the letter "and", instead of how you, MY DEAR sozdanitse the average sort. And, by the way, does not use a word "mozgoepstvo" (I quote TSelkinu). You can represent me as you want, in full force of the ushcherbnosti is your private affair. If to you gives pleasure to romance on a subject: " what this Elena " - romance, the silly fellow (can, you thus are raised or excited, I do not know). To me it is ridiculous. And, however, farewell. To us with you to speak there is nothing.
marusja, I wish you of all good.

The anonym
12.07.2004, 04:23
" Elena!! Go on the site and play in the Red Dragon. Mistakes or errors spetsom for you, ugly, shameless, skuchajushche-yawning sozdanitso at which is not present mind or wit, not a soul, tela-pjanchuzhka which has unintentionally brought up in one, but at all does not carry in other. And differently and to be not magyot. We correct the letter and spelling at the same time. Here you also are a termonuclear admixture of Chernobyl Teratism. Eat jablochko and correct for me, the little fool!

13.07.2004, 00:44
"Elenushka", doctors to you are obliged by nothing. You want videt-welcome in a cabinet or study with payment for consultation. It was once drove " on a globule ", but it does not mean, that each time will receive consultations of the cleverest people without payment. It is necessary to pay for all, remember, Chernobyl ushcherbnost! Also will suffice to give manual and to read to morals, have a look at itself who you such? The Trifle.....

13.07.2004, 22:20
Intelligence in that also is shown, that never will emphasize mistakes or errors and roughnesses of others, but we with you do not concern in any way to intellegentsii. Ty-by virtue of the dullness and malevolence, ja-by virtue of the intolerance and struggle with similar durehami. To me nenavisty vrushi.