Просмотр полной версии : I never tested an orgasm with the man, was not close at all. To me 24 years...

Olja L.
26.08.2004, 20:47
I never tested an orgasm with the man, was not close at all. To me 24 years, married, are the child. In family all ok, with the husband full mutual understanding in everything, except for sex.
I have early begun masturbirovat, receiving thus repeated orgasms, and all for 30 60 seconds enough. And here already much later, when began to live a sexual life, has understood, that me at all do not raise or excite caress of the man, any!!
I am far not egoistka in bed, I do or make everything that the husband has taken pleasure, but last time I can not constrain a boring, chustvuju myself not such as all! In fact everywhere, on a TV set, in magazines, women reach or achieve an orgasm with liked easily and simply. What with me not so? Or the man not that? (I had only 2 partners, with my the first the man of only 1 times)
PS Excuse for the inconsistent letter, simply has not got used to express on this subject and so has become painful!!!

29.08.2004, 05:23
Olga I think to you it is necessary poprobuvat in others already taken place men, should help or assist and if your family to you road protect it or her and receive (try) pleasure on the party or side.

02.09.2004, 01:48
Try to talk to the husband that is pleasant to you, pomasturbiruj at itself, tell that irritates you. And pobud egoistkoj, the desire is possible or probable to give pleasure partner too strains you and does not allow to relax. Get drunk eventually to be liberated. I wish good luck.

The anonym
03.09.2004, 02:51
The same history! To me 30, men was 4 (5?), now I live with the husband and the child. Masturbiruju since the childhood, variously, with pleasure and rough imaginations. And in bed with the man - altruistka necessarily, the husband as caresss - I as a log (well, I I represent, certainly). It is necessary me to caress it or him, on-that will be more sympathetic. And the husband - best of all my lovers, - to the present tender, sex, sensitive. The only thing that helps or assists to steal up even to an orgasm is, unfortunately, imaginations with participation of another of the man.
All in a head, at me, I suspect, fault the long Platonic love which has fallen for the period of maturing became indirect. Now I am am raised or excited only by those men who are inaccessible to me for whatever reasons - and cease to raise or excite, it is necessary to me to tempt them in a reality. It is necessary descends or goes to psihologu-to the sexologist.

03.09.2004, 12:40
Poor girls: ((That for husbands at you?

The anonym
07.09.2004, 05:49
If the girl is not friends of a head-
The husband at anything. In general, the early masturbation can force down the mechanism of reception of pleasure and by that to complicate a further sexual life,
Down to anorgazmii. Because stimulation at norms or rates. A floor. The certificate or act and at self-satisfaction on 70 % it is not crossed, and if also in a head cockroaches - in general a pipe.

The anonym
10.09.2004, 19:25
And che, the letter quite harmonious or collapsible.

11.09.2004, 05:27
At me the same history! I tried or tasted already with another on sitorone, and the same result. It would be desirable will address to Nikoshe: and you know on what it is to the reason? After yours to words husbands are guilty? Explain the reason?

14.09.2004, 02:47
The reference or manipulation to the sexopathologist internally is obligatory. First one, then together with the husband.

17.09.2004, 22:20
And what for with the husband obrashchatsja to the doctor? A problem in fact at me, instead of at it or him.