Просмотр полной версии : To me 30 years and me the length of my member very or very much does not arrange. That it is possible to make...

19.08.2004, 11:20
To me 30 years and me the length of my member very or very much does not arrange. What it is possible to make in house conditions? What will advise?

19.08.2004, 19:40
And that does not arrange: too long, or too short? And house conditions here you will not manage! And why does not arrange? In fact how much time spoke, business not in length!

19.08.2004, 23:25
I consider or count, that short. Always it is a shame to me iz-for it or this. Quite often I try to refuse an outlined contact.
I envy at whom 20 see and more. Is what "to show" or present" and it is not a shame. Therefore the dream - to have big.
If I lived in Moscow or Peter, problems would not be. Would find clinic for operation. And at us such is not present. And can be and eat, but I do not know where also who is engaged in it or this.
What to do or make?
In " Spil-Info " there was an advertising about Maksifal. I sent them the order for their box " maxifal. ru ", but the answer greetings.

20.08.2004, 18:09
And I naooborot would like less... Even prostitutes a double payment demand.

23.08.2004, 13:16
I consider or count, that short. Always it is a shame to me iz-for it or this. Quite often I try to refuse an outlined contact. I envy at whom 20 see and more. Is what "to show" or present" and it is not a shame. Therefore the dream - to have big. If I lived in Moscow or Peter, problems would not be. Would find clinic for operation. And at us such is not present. And can be and eat, but I do not know where also who is engaged in it or this. What to do or make? In " Spil-Info " there was an advertising about Maksifal. I sent them the order for their box " maxifal. ru ", but the answer greetings

The anonym
26.08.2004, 12:09
It is necessary to you? Find other employment or occupation, for example, borrow or occupy in a chi kung. Each person, an animal or a plant has own field tsi which always aspires to maintenance of equilibrium. Loss of this equilibrium leads to illness or disease, mors and decomposing. It is necessary to understand, that all in the nature, including the person, lives and develops under influence of natural cycles Heavenly and Earth tsi. As you are a part of this nature (Dao), you should understand Heavenly and Earth tsi. It will allow you to adjust or regulate if necessary itself, more effectively to adapt to a natural cycle and to be protected from natural negative influences. In it or this is - the basic purpose of employment or occupations a chi kung.
Each person, animal or plant has own field tsi which always aspires to maintenance of equilibrium. Loss of this equilibrium leads to illness or disease, mors and decomposing. It is necessary to understand, that all in the nature, including the person, lives and develops under influence of natural cycles Heavenly and Earth tsi. As you are a part of this nature (Dao), you should understand Heavenly and Earth tsi. It will allow you to adjust or regulate if necessary itself, more effectively to adapt to a natural cycle and to be protected from natural negative influences. In it or this is - the basic purpose of employment or occupations a chi kung. Thus, to live a long and healthy life, it is necessary to reach or achieve harmony with natural cycles, and also to avoid negative influences. Chineses studied or investigated the nature during millenia. Some information on natural cycles contains in ancient Chinese books from which the most well-known - is " I-the Jing " (" the Book of Changes "). It is necessary to remember, that the nature - is a constant repetition, and at close or attentive observation it is possible to find out set and the cycles existing at an equilibration of fields tsi.

The anonym
28.08.2004, 10:00
ADJUST or REGULATE the BODY And SPIRIT, And the MEMBER And SUCH WILL descend or go. And zavidj never and to anybody!!! Adjustment of mind or wit (tjao sin)

Daosy speak: " When you study big Dao, all over again stop ideas; if ideas are not stopped, lessons are vain ". It means, that when you start to be engaged a chi kung, it is the most difficult to stop thought process. A ultimate goal for your mind or wit - " an idea without an idea ". Your mind or wit does not think neither of the past, nor about the present, about the future. He is completely isolated from such influences of the present, as trouble, happiness and grief. Only in this case he will be quiet and steady and, eventually, will find the world. Only in a status " an idea without an idea " you can relax and feel all easy and precisely.

To adjust or regulate mind or wit - means by means of consciousness to stop activity of mind or wit, releasing or exempting it or him from fetters of ideas, emotions and the realized thinking. After achievement of this level your mind or wit becomes quiet, peace, empty and easy or light;mild, having reached or achieved really full relaxation. Only at this stage you can relax deeply in an osteal brain and internal organs and only then your mind or wit will be clear enough to see (to feel) internal circulation tsi and to adjust communication or connection with tsi and internal organs. At daosov it is called nej shi gunfu, that means " gunfu internal vision ". Having reached or achieved this true relaxation, you can feel various components of your body: firm tissues, liquids, gases, energy and spirit. You, probably, even will see or will feel the colors corresponding or meeting yours five organs - green (liver), white (lungs), black (kidneys), yellow (lien) and red (heart).

At this level it is possible to begin studying of the theory of Five Elements. She is extremely deep and - to a miscellaneous the chi kung, however its or her correct comprehension method of the analysis of mutual relations between your organs is interpreted in east medicine and an expert or a practice can give you and will help or assist you to define or determine ways of elimination disbalansov. Lungs, for example, correspond or meet to Metal, and heart - to Fire. Metal (lungs) can be used for management of Fire (heart) as Metal can allocate or remove a plenty of heat from Fire and, thus, cool heart. When you badly feel yourselves or you are hurted with heart (surplus of fire in heart), by means of deep respiration you can get rid of it or this. Naturally, achievement of this level will demand long practice.

In the beginning you should not have any ideas or intentions as it will complicate a relaxation of mind or wit and its or his purification or ablution from ideas. After achievement of a status " without ideas " concentrate your attention on Dantjane. Speak: " Mind or Wit is concentrated on Dantjane ". Dantjan is a source and a residence tsi. Mind or wit can save up or collect here tsi (" zazhech Fire "), then to direct it or her where you want and to return, at last, back in Dantjan. While your mind or wit is concentrated on Dantjane, you tsi has a root. Having a root, she will be to strong, full and obedient your desires. You see, that at employment or occupations a chi kung your mind or wit cannot become absolutely empty and weakened. For achievement of result you should find hardness in a relaxation. Masters speak a chi kung: " Use Also (mind or wit) TO DIRECT or REFER tsi ". Pay attention to a word TO DIRECT or REFER. TSi it is similar to water - it or she cannot be pushed, but it is possible to direct or refer. If tsi to direct, she potechet smoothly and without zastoev. If tsi to push, she will spread not there where it is necessary. Remember: tsi naturally follows for And. For example, when you intend to lift any subject, this intention - yours And. Also will direct tsi to arms or hand for energetizatsii muscles and the subject will be lifted. Speak also: " Also should not be concentrated on tsi. If it is concentrated on tsi, tsi stands ".

When you wish to pass from one place in another, you all over again form intention and put the purpose, then movement of a body follows. Mind or wit should advance a body always. If your mind or wit remains concentrated on a body, you cannot move. The first condition in an expert or a practice the chi kung is knowledge of the nature tsi. If you do not know, what such tsi how you can direct or refer it or her? You Also can direct or refer tsi, only if you will know, what is it such, and to feel it or her. The second condition is the knowledge of how it is informed with tsi, that is you And should be able to feel and feel a stream tsi, and also to estimate or appreciate its or his force and smoothness.

Masters tajtszi-often speak a chi kung, as should "listen" to tsi and "understand" it or her. " To listen tsi " means very closely or attentively to analyze the feelings and sensations. The more attention you give it or this, the it will be better your comprehension. Only after you will understand position tsi, you And can develop or produce strategy. In a chi kung your mind or wit, or And, should generate idea (to visualize your intention) which plays for tsi a role of the order to performance of the certain task. The it is more yours Also communicates with tsi, the more effectively she can cope or be controlled by it or him. That is why as a beginner you should study or investigate all over again everything, as to And and tsi, and also learn to provide their effective communication or connection.

Also is a key to practice a chi kung. Without And you cannot direct or refer tsi, let alone accumulation of its or her force or circulation on all body. Remember: WHEN it is strong, strong And TSI And WHEN it is weak, TSI ALSO it is weak. Thus, a first step in an expert or a practice the chi kung is I.Pervyj's development a secret strong And - CALMNESS. When you are quiet, you clearly see things and nothing can distract you. In this status you can concentrate. Konfutsy spoke: " all over again you should calm down, then your mind or wit becomes steady. When mind or wit is steady, you stay in rest. Only staying in rest, you can think and eventually reach or achieve ". Similar procedure is applied in meditation and an expert or a practice a chi kung: first CALM, then FASTNESS, REST, the IDEA and, at last, ACHIEVEMENT.

Practising a chi kung, you first of all should learn to be emotionally quiet. Having calmed down, you can understand, that you want, and to make the mind or wit steady. This steady mind or wit will be your intention, or And (and is born). Only when you will understand, that you actually want, your mind or wit can find rest and emotionally relax and physically. Having reached or achieved this boundary, you should concentrate for performance of your intention. Then tsi can follow your intention and you receive desirable result.

The anonym
30.08.2004, 14:15
On August, 25th 2004 04 : 00 : 45>>>
TSigel-tsigel aj-lju-lju!:)
Adjust or Regulate a mind and body, borrow or occupy in a chi kung.. And the member to you will be already without need, without dependence from its or his dimensions!

02.09.2004, 16:37
06 : 13 : 36
Urgently it wanted to take the Parker and to write about you a sketch; how much gloomy little fools vidyvala, and similar for the first time!: (((Who has told or said, what the penis is not necessary? Its or his sizes, hrjusha are not important! To You up to a chi kung far, lay under an oak and eat the acorns:)))

05.09.2004, 20:29
I did not hear greater shame, than, when at 30 years or summer men a wind at a head: (((

07.09.2004, 13:35
Address in clinic, now increase or enlarge penises. If all will pass or take place well - will find harmony sos internal and an external world.

09.09.2004, 18:23
Sergey, in your case it is necessary to reconcile that to you the nature releases or lets off such length, accept it as given. The best way to not be upset in occasion of the size is to find the constant girl who will perceive you such what you are, t. e. Will grow fond of you. To which warm, confidential and reliable attitudes or relations with you will be necessary. And to satisfy the woman it is possible and at all being an impotent. To increase or enlarge a member silly the same as and on forehead it or him to sew: " in, look, what piece at me! ". If the man is not able to give pleasure to the woman, that a fine member - an empty place. And to give pleasure is to not drive a member tuda-here, scraping on a violin and driving it or him " on the tomatoes ".

11.09.2004, 21:56
There is no greater mind or wit how to measure the genitals or genitalias: (((the Egg at you what diameter? The most pleasant when at muchiny is a head on brachiums, and the member can be absolutely small, yes udalenkim. Cerebrate and think as to deliver pleasure to the half:)))

13.09.2004, 15:01
Thickness arranges? Be pleased.

The anonym
14.09.2004, 02:14
Yes on you it is visible, that except for the sizes gogosharov there is nothing and to present women. Fly to Moscow, make operative escalating a member, durachkom what was, such and you will remain also it in 30 years? Fathers, yes you simply Woodpecker. Sit at home and wear weights on a penis.. .vytjagivaet... .nedostatki are always compensated by wisdom if there is no mind or wit, it or him you will not buy or purchase for any money. Be engaged in self-education. Success.

17.09.2004, 09:08
Tricks of the Founder and the Creator. Respect with itself such, what you from a birth. Work above itself and girls will run a camp.