
Просмотр полной версии : Dear Dmitry Dmitrievich! Besides that you very competent doctor, but also...

27.08.2004, 22:28
Dear Dmitry Dmitrievich!
Besides that you very competent doctor, but also judging
Under your answers, very obligatory person.
Therefore it is surprised, that it is compelled or forced to ask the question
In third time. As you concern to "Andriolu", kak
To an agent raising or increasing a potency. Thanks.

Muhosransk, Timosha
31.08.2004, 08:00
Dear muscovite! Forgive or excuse, but I shall give you pair useful advice or councils. 1) Here to you anybody nothing is obliged. 2) doctors, as well as all people also have the right to rest. 3) wait or try to find the answer to the question at less loaded experts.

The anonym
03.09.2004, 10:58
And is even better go and ask for MONEY experts internally! But in fact babki it is a pity to you! It would be desirable to receive all gift or for nothing!

Isaev D.D.
06.09.2004, 19:36
Dear Muscovite! Many thanks for patience. As you have already understood from my answers (or not answers) on your previous two questions, I to Andriolu do not concern in any way Am a preparation of Testosteron-Depotum, t. e. A hormonal preparation which is admissible to use only in cases of a hormonal failure! Its or his Use healthy can put or render the man serious harm in the form of depression of production by own glands. (the preparation can influence intensifying of desire, but not on a potency as those!)

08.09.2004, 23:37
So it that turns out, the desire is and the erection is not present? Interestingly!