Просмотр полной версии : Hello! One year ago I have left with my the first and the beloved. Up to e...

23.07.2004, 23:58
Hello! One year ago I have left with my the first and the beloved. Before at sex attitudes or relations with it or him I was improbably raised or excited and received incomparable pleasure, washing the sex life was fantastic. Now we do not meet also I cannot begin close relations with anybody another. Even if the man very much is pleasant to me, I do not feel never any exaltation. Whether it is possible or probable, that after parting with the liked person the woman became frigid? And what method of treatment will approach or suit me?

The anonym
25.07.2004, 20:35
Svetlana, well where you drive? Return to the first hm... To the man, at once you will become sexy.

The anonym
26.07.2004, 13:34
So she is not necessary to him. There is no you not frigidna!

The anonym
30.07.2004, 08:18
Nonsenses, nobody knows he can too so is excruciated as Svetlana.

The anonym
01.08.2004, 04:01
It was tortured already.

The anonym
01.08.2004, 08:51
Light and to treat for what? From parting? It treats only time.

The anonym
01.08.2004, 19:00
Light, I the man, but is familiar to me your problem. Time really treats, I advise you vstrechatsja with guys, but to not search in them for the partner, search for the friend... Then, you are casual natkneshsja that is necessary for you. You not frigidna, frigidny those who cannot will be excited or raised even from attempt of a masturbation. So, do not search for love, she will find you, and then you will understand, that before there was not such a strong love for all have the polovinki and when you will meet it or her, you will eternally series, all life, and you will have such love what is not present niukogo. Not all such drops out, but you simply believe....

02.08.2004, 06:09
All thanks. Now I know my frigidity completely is excluded.

04.08.2004, 05:37
Thanks Svetlana which has written about exception of frigidity, but vse-taki is better to her to frame the questions and to respond there, instead of to adopt on itself another's authorship.

The anonym
04.08.2004, 15:53
Yes Light, here at us already precisely love as at anybody and we with my guy TWO polovinki EDINNOGO the INSEPARABLE WHOLE. Do not experience about the first, all will be adjusted, believe.

08.08.2004, 13:54
I u mena tak, podruga po neschastju, pravda staz moi, vsego 3 mesaca, no, ja chuvstvuju prodlitsa eto eshe dolgo. ((((

The anonym
11.08.2004, 08:32
t from Svetlana. I like creativity umeltsev but when it passes a side of decency and develops into "cultural" impudence, it would be desirable the person to regret simply. There is no you not frigidna, but is silly and impudent up to a disgrace; (

14.08.2004, 23:20
It is love. And it is correct. I needed 15 years to become free both again to grow fond. And only then I again began to receive pleasure from sex. Do not hurry itself. To all the time.
You - especial. Only muzhiks whom tr--jut all that moves also local "davalki" understand it or this cannot. Do not pay to them attention. Be proud of itself.

17.08.2004, 04:13
Wrote here in hope to receive professional consultation of the doctor but as it has appeared, besides doctors here tusujutsja do not understand who which, obviously, with boredom write delirium, trying to speak on behalf my name. I do not understand, the problems, whether that, no. Everything, given effective advice or councils - many thanks!

20.08.2004, 17:07
It is a pity, it is a shame with a good portal for sick and healthy. Earlier he brought the real help, and now here pochemu-that are going to mentally neuranoveshennye and write delirium. Where doctor Isaev D., is time to stop it, and it is opposite to read that.

The anonym
22.08.2004, 18:04
By the way to tell or say, the portal 03 and now brings the considerable real help to good people. And here to doctors advice or council to take for an input or entrance here PAYMENT, only then less similar dureh will try or taste the feather and to squabble on all 03. Idlers and fools at once will be eliminated, as if or as through a sieve. You write the rhymes is better, for a five-years period you will pass or will take place.

The anonym
24.08.2004, 12:18
Kak mnogo nas osobennih. Doktor, takoe vstrecaetsya v pripode, kuda ni glyan vezde odni OSOBENNIE?

The anonym
28.08.2004, 12:12
You can esteem the remarkable book the Illustrated encyclopedia of sexuality SPb, 2002 Isaeva D. though each citizen respecting for a long time has studied or investigated it or her.

Vladushka, understand who
30.08.2004, 21:53
If to you the opinion of the expert (you about it or this by the way have not specified) That is important ONLY would address to it or him;them internally.

02.09.2004, 22:05
You are blue washing, not the first. Has run in the pediatrist, children and mummies me great were or have tired of waiting.