Просмотр полной версии : And vsetaki it would be desirable to learn or find out opinion of the doctor - whether influences kak-that mastrubatsija on...

The anonym
31.08.2004, 09:17
And vsetaki it would be desirable to learn or find out opinion of the doctor - whether influences kak-that mastrubatsija mentality. I mastrubiroval 13 years. Sex replaced to itself with it or this though parents forbade to me to these or it;this to be engaged, under pavor porki a belt. Now to me 29. But here already 2 j year I try to begin a normal sex life - nothing leaves. Not that that there an erection weak - it or her in general is not present. And exaltations during the moment of affinity does not come. However, when mastrubiruju (basically at daybreak) - the erection is. When any sex imaginations climb in a head - too happens (the truth sometimes strong, sometimes weak). And when reaches sex with the girl (when any normal muzhik should lose a head) - absolute rest. Where instinkty-that my animals? And so already with 3 mja girls was. Estesvenno all of them have thrown me. I each time for any time in depression ran (so and matrubirovat it would not be desirable), but then when to itself came and recollected all ours with her sex games - so too the erection appears. It not seems to me, that my long-term enthusiasm mastrubatsiej, instead of normal sex, here not and. I think it kak-that has affected or influenced mentality. But if not and then in what has put?

01.09.2004, 16:38
Sorry, it has forgotten to be presented. Peter.

Isaev D.D.
02.09.2004, 01:12
Dear Peter! The masturbation in itself does not influence mentality. More important psychological features of the person. If the person is afraid to go in the underground, unless transport is guilty? And in this case. Problems with an erection during self-stimulation are absent, but there is a pavor and uncertainty in at attempts of contacts to girls to understand all nuances of a problem and to find an optimum way of its or her sanction the internal occurring with the sexologist is required!