Просмотр полной версии : Absence of an orgasm

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon, Aminazinka. I know, the subject is not new.

Has seen or overlooked some or a little bit honey. Forums and I had an impression, that doctors reluctantly discuss this subject. Why? The Problem is insufficiently studied or investigated? Reports devchenok with a similar problem as a rule remain without the answer, unless who only will joke... But the problem remains.

Advise please, that to me to do or make.

To me 24 years. With aspiration to reach or achieve this mysterious orgasm I was helped or assisted by many men (not all in time, certainly:). To it or this I am assured, that the reason in me. I very much am pleasant like in sex and often in onoshenii with the partner I the initiator. It seems to me, that the reason in insufficient sensitivity of a vagina... Whether It is possible to raise or increase it or her?

Recently has handed over the analysis on garmony, the doctor has told or said, that an insufficient level of Progesteronum. Whether it can influence a sex life?

And men, a pancake! Well what it or him the difference, has terminated I or not? Constantly it is necessary to say lies or pretend: (

I somewhere read, about an injection in the area of sexual labiums strengthening sensitivity, whether the truth it?

Spoke about it or this with mum. At it or her the first orgasm has happened only after sorts or labors. So happens? Can and at me so will be.

Otvette please on my report.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I shall respond. More often how at your mum also happens - the first orgasm after sorts or labors. And no trouble in it or this is not present. At the woman the orgasm is not incorporated biologically (unlike men, at them just physiologically each ejaculation coincides with an orgasm... As a rule). The orgasm of the woman demands nauchenija and enough long *quot; nu??*quot; different differences, the greater or big role is played with presence of the constant partner, strangely enough. Accustoming psychological, whether know, emotions in every possible way promote, besides trust to the partner and an opportunity to not say lies... The Orgasm is born in a head, and at women in very big degree.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I wish to add, that any ointments, injections, tablets raising or increasing sensitivity - a farce.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Recently has handed over the analysis on garmony, the doctor has told or said, that an insufficient level of Progesteronum. Whether it can influence a sex life? And men, a pancake! Well what it or him the difference, has terminated I or not? Constantly it is necessary to say lies or pretend

The level of Progesteronum depends on a phase of a menstrual cycle and even inside of each phase very much variabelen (under one analysis a conclusion to make it is practically impossible), but in any case on orgaistichnost this hormone does not influence. And more - it is not necessary to say lies and pretend to men: it and is not good for you also men misleads. As it or him to improve the *quot; nNnON?y??Oy*quot;, if there is no feedback?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear colleagues!

Can it is useful the given fragment from the review:


Orgasmic disorder is the persistent or recurrent difficulty, delay in, or absence of attaining orgasm after sufficient sexual stimulation and arousal, which causes personal distress.5 This disorder can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary anorgasmia is defined as never having achieved orgasm and can be associated with medical/physical factors or may be the result of emotional trauma or sexual abuse.50 Secondary anorgasmia is likely the result of surgery, physical trauma, medications, or hormonal deficiencies. Unfortunately, orgasmic disorder is a common problem, with 10 % of women reporting that they have never experienced orgasm and 50 % of women reporting intermittent or situational difficulty achieving orgasm.51 However, some women mistakenly believe that they suffer from true orgasmic disorder when, in fact, the lack of orgasm is subsequent to disorders of desire or arousal. Therefore, treatment of these previously discussed disorders may subsequently alleviate orgasmic dysfunction.

It is important for the healthcare provider to take a detailed history in order to determine whether the patient has never had an orgasm, has experienced one only under certain circumstances, or is simply not satisfied with her current experiences. If the problem is psychologic, education, psychotherapy, and counseling may be useful. If the problem is exacerbated by medications such as SSRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, antihypertensives, or antipsychotic agents, consideration should be given to changing the medication or decreasing the dose. Unfortunately, trauma to nerves associated with pelvic surgery or spinal cord injury or neurologic disorders such as multiple sclerosis can make orgasmic dysfunction difficult or impossible to treat.27

For most women, maximizing stimulation and minimizing inhibition is the key to effective orgasm; however, the amount of stimulation required to achieve orgasm varies from woman to woman.52 The majority of women have the physical capability of achieving orgasm, but may not be able to do so during intercourse. In fact, 1 study showed that 70 % of women were not able to achieve orgasm with intercourse, but only 4 % were not able to do so with masturbation.53 These women should be encouraged to talk with their partners and to apply direct clitoral stimulation during intercourse. Kegel exercises (alternating contracting and relaxing the pelvic muscles during sexual arousal) may also be useful for some women. Methods used to minimize inhibition include fantasizing or listening to music.52

Ragucci KR, Culhane NS.

Treatment of female sexual dysfunction.

Ann Pharmacother. 2003 Apr; 37 (4):546-55

At will I can give the full text on a mail.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Sometimes strange statements come across... Here, for example: *quot; In fact, 1 study showed that 70 % of women were not able to achieve orgasm with intercourse.. *quot; It is the truth?

01.09.2004, 19:30
According to some percent or interest of women cannot experience an orgasm during a life at all. Quantity or amount of percent or interests precisely I shall not tell or say, but there is even such diagnostic category as absolute anorgazmija (absence of an orgasm both during the sexual certificate or act, and at a masturbation). Quite often relative anorgazmija (that is absence of an orgasm during the sexual certificate or act and its or his presence at self-stimulation) - defect actually executions or performances of the sexual certificate or act. The woman in this sense very much depends on the man.

There are situations when psihoseksualnoe development of the woman is late by virtue of any reasons (basically the educational plan). In this case the inclination has unripe character: it stops at erotic or Platonic stages, and absence of an orgasm is combined with satisfaction at an emotional level without any burdensome sensations. That is happens, certainly, that the sexual certificate or act is unpleasant to the woman, but the situation when pleasant sensations all the same are present is more widespread, and the orgasm is not present...

01.09.2004, 19:30
And in fact happens, that simply you cease to take pleasure with the same, renee such exciting partner. We together 3,5 years, all was perfect, and then I have ceased to test with it or him an orgasm. In general! And so

Already more half a year. - I put cunningly that he leaves on job DVD, and.. (excuse for details), even in a dream sometimes it turns out,

(It is direct as at teenagers)! And with it or him affinity I avoid .s horror I think, that the husband understands all, and the same problem can even at most! Talk about it or this we hardly we can.

Our attitudes or relations have cracked, now all is very bad! I do not wish it or him to lose, but I do not know what to do or make. With me already it was in other attitudes or relations which have broken up or burn. The history repeats also I feel, that a problem in me.

How to be?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I wish to add, that any ointments, injections, tablets raising or increasing sensitivity - a farce.

I shall respond as the woman tried it.

In sex shops there are ointments afrodiziaki, a cat, strengthen sensitivity and help or assist to reach or achieve an orgasm. It is necessary only correctly for itself to pick up.

They the truth are not so cheap what to experiment.

Also accepted somehow vitamins C a ginseng (I do not remember as are called) and has felt intensifying sexual desire.

Except for that train muscles of a vagina, basically if at the sexual certificate or act them to reduce, it is possible to accelerate offensives or approaches of an orgasm.

And the main thing in sex do not direct the attention to it or this, has tested or has not tested.

On the first pairs or steams it is possible to help or assist itself an arm or a hand. Anything in it or this stydnogo is not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At all a.

I shall respond as the woman tried it.

Also accepted somehow vitamins C a ginseng (I do not remember as are called) and has felt intensifying sexual desire.

J Sex Marital Ther. 2001 Oct-Dec; 27 (5):541-9.

A double-blind placebo-controlled study of ArginMax, a nutritional supplement for enhancement of female sexual function.

Ito TY, Trant AS, Polan ML.

University of Hawaii, School of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

This study was open to women over the age of 21 years with an interest in improving their sexual function. Of the 77 participants, 34 received ArginMax and 43 received a placebo. ArginMax for Women is a proprietary nutritional supplement consisting of extracts of ginseng, ginkgo, and damiana, L-arginine, multivitamins, and minerals. After 4 weeks, 73.5 % of the ArginMax group improved in satisfaction with their overall sex life, compared with 37.2 % of the placebo group (p *lt; 0.01). Notable improvements were also observed in sexual desire, reduction of vaginal dryness, frequency of sexual intercourse and orgasm, and clitoral sensation. No significant side effects were noted.


Murphy LL, Lee TJ.

Ginseng, sex behavior, and nitric oxide.

Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 May; 962:372-7. Review.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am sorry, if you find sex. Satisfactions by means of dvd at you attitudes or relations easier or simply are not arranged enough.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And more small addition on a ginseng. fertilnogo age he (on unchecked data) is not recommended to women owing to influence on this fecundity. If dear Vadim Valerevich can find, we shall know, who the author of this statement (or that it is false).

01.09.2004, 19:30
And in fact happens, that simply you cease to take pleasure with the same, renee such exciting partner. We together 3,5 years, all was perfect, and then I have ceased to test with it or him an orgasm. In general! And so

Already more half a year. - I put cunningly that he leaves on job DVD, and.. (excuse for details), even in a dream sometimes it turns out,

(It is direct as at teenagers)! And with it or him affinity I avoid .s horror I think, that the husband understands all, and the same problem can even at most! Talk about it or this we hardly we can.

Our attitudes or relations have cracked, now all is very bad! I do not wish it or him to lose, but I do not know what to do or make. With me already it was in other attitudes or relations which have broken up or burn. The history repeats also I feel, that a problem in me.

How to be?

It is necessary to talk all the same - other way is not present. *quot; Crisis oON?N?a*quot; in each marriage or spoilage is. From, whether you learn to overcome them, the destiny of your marriage or spoilage depends. Try or taste before conversation with it or him to understand, what you does not arrange? Why it became easier masturbirovat in front of the TV, rather than to lay down in bed with the husband?

If wish to discuss it here, open a separate subject, please.

01.09.2004, 19:30
My attitudes or relations here at all at what.

Dear VIKS!

I shall tell or say much more - nonprofessional opinion in this section absolutely at anything. To prove the experience and omniscience here it is not necessary. All the subsequent your posts in such spirit will leave at once.


01.09.2004, 19:30
And more small addition on a ginseng. fertilnogo age he (on unchecked data) is not recommended to women owing to influence on this fecundity. If dear Vadim Valerevich can find, we shall know, who the author of this statement (or that it is false).

Dear Irina Gennadevna!

Anything on your question to find it was not possible. While the ginseng is similar capable *quot; to improve ????y*quot; in a menopause:

Wiklund IK, Mattsson LA, Lindgren R, Limoni C.

Effects of a standardized ginseng extract on quality of life and physiological parameters in symptomatic postmenopausal women: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Swedish Alternative Medicine Group.

Int J Clin Pharmacol Res. 1999; 19 (3):89-99.

Tode T, Kikuchi Y, Hirata J, Kita T, Nakata H, Nagata I.

Effect of Korean red ginseng on psychological functions in patients with severe climacteric syndromes.

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1999 Dec; 67 (3):169-74.

During its or his pregnancy it is better to not accept:

Koren G, Randor S, Martin S, Danneman D.

Maternal ginseng use associated with neonatal androgenization.

JAMA. 1990 Dec 12; 264(22) :2866.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here, the indirect indicating on androgenizatsiju all the same has come up...

01.09.2004, 19:30
And in fact happens, that simply you cease to take pleasure with the same, renee such exciting partner. We together 3,5 years, all was perfect, and then I have ceased to test with it or him an orgasm. In general!

U menya tochno takaya je istoriya s podrobmnost'u v kajdoe slovo (tol'ko mi jenati 8 mesyasev). Y pomoemu nashla vihod! Prosto nujno probivat ' vse podryad, ne stesnyayas' ni chego s suprugom, kak poluchilos' u menaya.

Prosto pomoemu y v golovu vbila sebe chto eto predel, ne poluchaetsya bol'she nichego, a vo snah vse OK. Mi pereprobivali vse (no y emu ob'yasnila chto lublu ego ochen ' sil'no, no chto-to ne tak) i nachelo pomogat ', y uje bol'she ne perejivau chto eto rah otnocheniy, a tol'ko nachalo. A prichina pravda vo mne, prosto s vozbujneniem tuje stalo, no eto delo popravimoe, bol'she vremeni, - zato cchast'ya bol'she chem ran'she!!!


01.09.2004, 19:30
The good fellow, Maria s!

I can be glad or pleased only to your attitudes or relations with the husband. Grow together! Respekt!

From city N
01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say, what shakes or is pumped man's anorgazmii as often she e and than can be caused or called?

01.09.2004, 19:30
As often meets I do not know... In general *quot; man's a?Oua???n*quot; outside of disturbances of an ejaculation, in my opinion, it is not discussed. And in what a problem?

PS. If it is your problem, open a new subject, please.