Просмотр полной версии : Hochu, no ne hochu

01.09.2004, 19:30
Zdravstvuyte. Izvinite za translit. Vopros takoy: *quot; Zhelanie seksa est ', obychno chasto, no kak atol'ko delo dohodit do seksa kak tut-zhe uzhe i ne hochet'sya... Hochet'sya razobrat'sya pochemu. And quot;

01.09.2004, 19:30
It would be desirable to understand - it is necessary to understand. Business in the partner can, can in you. Than in your opinion we can help or assist?

PS. When type or collect the report, use the built in button of a transliteration - she will translate or transfer yours translit in cyrillics.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To insert brains on a place. Probably. At me the pavor of that has developed that will be sick. And sometimes happens painfully though it seemed me have cured. Here with this pavor hochetsja to understand

01.09.2004, 19:30
Pavor what will be sick, or actually a pain? Also that means *quot; it seemed, me oU?N????*quot;? For what treated? Than? How long?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Aminazinka, treated me for (has forgotten the medical name) an inflammation of a uterus, 2 a years or summer bleeding, nonfulfillment of an ootid, solderings in a pipe (small local wild horror). All this time he was series, but is passive (type all I will be good also has rushed off further). Now, again to me it is sick, just as was before treatment... And me up to a folly it is terrible. I the doctor has offered me an output or exit (year so an one and a half back)-amputate a uterus, and me 26 and children at me are not present, and if I shall agree that and will not be, as the ootid capable to a fertilization and is not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Describe, when also what arises a pain. Especially note, at what stage of the sexual certificate or act she arises, and whether pavors accompany it or this.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I have not understood something in this connection to you have recommended to amputate a uterus

01.09.2004, 19:30
I have not understood something in this connection to you have recommended to amputate a uterus

To avoid problems in budujushchem

01.09.2004, 19:30
Describe, when also what arises a pain. Especially note, at what stage of the sexual certificate or act she arises, and whether pavors accompany it or this.

The man me always warms up mine, therefore pavors recede into the background during the certificate or act, but through pair friktsy at me appears oshchjushchenie that in district of the right pipe suddenly have sticked me a knife. The pain does not appear only in one pose, edgewise, and both of us very active and up to all my problems as well as some months after at me nothing hurted or was ill;was sick. And now eto comes back. The pavor appears up to the certificate or act disappears during (though to him and to have me almost what violently to put to bed) and, accordingly after the pain comes

01.09.2004, 19:30
*quot; to avoid problems in iOnO?UN?*quot;

What problems, for ablation there should be strong reasons? All the same has not understood.

01.09.2004, 19:30
*quot; to avoid problems in iOnO?UN?*quot;

What problems, for ablation there should be strong reasons? All the same has not understood.

Here that to me already diagnosed a turn of all and-or that occurs or happens

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01.09.2004, 19:30
Before liquidation of the factor causing a pain to work with the psychological factors which have become attached to this pain, it is not meaningful. From psychological passov to hurt or be ill;be sick will not cease. I think, now your main task - to find the gynecologist and to solve a physical problem.