Просмотр полной версии : Whether there is a norm or rate of frequency of sexual contacts?

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01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon! To me of 36 years. In marriage or spoilage - 12 years, are the daughter of 10 years. Together we work, together we spend all holidays, there are general or common addictings and attachments (we like flowers, cats and birds) .stroim the house. Voobshchem, externally - all is ideal. I like the husband, and from its or his party or side I feel, as he concerns to me with love. But there is one *quot; ?*quot;.

All the matter is that at us practically is absent an intimal life. Now I try to understand, when all has begun. Probably, from the very beginning husband not strongly often showed the initiative. After sorts or labors I remember, what even obidilas when up to 3-it month he at all has not taken an interest when *quot; ???*quot; .ja dumala.chto, probably it is features of its or his temperament. When it would be desirable *quot; O??Oaoa?a*quot; itself. And, when it or him *quot; Oa??NoN???y*quot;, all is normal. Somewhere on the second to year of our joint life of the husband have started to disturb pains in a perineum. Have passed or have taken place inspections: have found out a clamidiosis. 2 times were treated. After that repeatedly handed over analyses - all in norm or rate. There was a diagnosis: a chronic prostatitis. Sometimes, in a cold season he has an effect nagging pains. It was treated. Passed or took place courses of a physiotherapy and massage. Now, already long time at the husband of desires to sex practically is not present. The number of sexual contacts was reduced up to 1 in half a year (and when I do not maintain) .ja spoke with it or him on this subject, he speaks, that with it or him all normally, simply he gets tired, and is simple at it or him such temperament. Thus I know, that on the party or side at it or him anybody is not present, as we with it or him practically spend all time together. I, certainly understand, what it is impossible to tell or say precisely, time normally is so much, and there is no, but everything so much, it would be desirable to know, whether there are any limits of norm or rate on frequency of sexual contacts? To the husband - 34 years. Sometimes I hand over hormones SHCHZH.I recently when we with the husband have come to laboratory to hand over the next analyses, I have persuaded it or him to hand over the analysis on Testosteron-Depotum. Value or meaning;importance of its or his Testosteron-Depotum was equal on the bottom border of norm or rate. Prompt how to be, please, in sew situations? To what expert it is better to address?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It would be desirable to know, whether there are any limits of norm or rate on frequency of sexual contacts?

Yes certainly in this business norm or rate - concept widely extensible, all depends on age, temperament and td... According to in the basic 1-2 sexual contacts in 1-2 weeks. It not norm or rate, this average. We shall wait the answer of the expert.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To address it is necessary to the psychologist-expert under family attitudes or relations.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I do not have statistics, but the 35-years age of the man is a peak of need or requirement and an opportunity in this direction. On some observations, 5, 7 times week, sometimes 2 times in day are not much for the man of 35 years.

There can be a sexopathologist deals with such problems?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To address it is necessary to the psychologist-expert under family attitudes or relations.

Thanks for the answer, but here, that I shall not understand. In everything, except for bed, at us very good, warm attitudes or relations. It seems to me, that at the husband the need or requirement for sex simply was gone...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Let the psychologist will consider or examine a situation and if he will solve that there is a need or requirement for medical consultation he to you it will inform. I yet do not see the reason for medical consultation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I do not have statistics, but the 35-years age of the man is a peak of need or requirement and an opportunity in this direction. On some observations, 5, 7 times week, sometimes 2 times in day are not much for the man of 35 years.

There can be a sexopathologist deals with such problems?

I can be mistaken, but, in my opinion, the peak of sexuality at men is necessary on earlier age.

Though I not the doctor:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
I can be mistaken, but, in my opinion, the peak of sexuality at men is necessary on earlier age.

Though I not the doctor:)

Yes, perhaps you are right. The peak is necessary on 28-32. To speak not about peak or pique of activity, and about strip UFR more correctly.

Is conditional-PHYSIOLOGICAL RHYTHM (UFR), a rhythm of sexual activity accepted for conditional physiological norm or rate at which the man carries out on the average 2-3 high-grade sexual certificates or acts in a week during the long period of a life. On the average men pass to such rhythm in 33-35- age and save it or him during 15-20 years (so-called strip UFR). In a sexological practice the age of ocurrence in strip UFR is defined or determined only for the men who are married as it is considered, that in a married couple the rhythm of a sexual life is set basically by sex activity of the man and usually coincides with its or his physiological needs or requirements. At men with the strong sexual constitution the rhythm of a sexual life during many years can exceed average value or meanings;importance considerably. They can make 5-10 and more sexual certificates or acts in a week, and to a rhythm 2-3 times a week to pass only after 50 years. And on the contrary, often sex opportunities of the man with the weak sexual constitution even in a honeymoon correspond or meet UFR or do not reach or achieve it or him.

Close conformity of index UFR to average statistical physiological and hygienic norm or rate proves to be true first of all data about periodicity of a spermiogenesis (for full maturing spermatozoons it is required from 36 up to 72). According to A. Kilisey, prevailing variants of frequency of sexual certificates or acts are for age till 30 years of 3,27 relations in a week, 30 years - 2,34 are more senior.

The reserve of the quantitative characteristic of index UFR is defined or determined by that some men constantly practise only ekstsessivnyj a coitus, for many years spending not less than 2 relations in day. Upon termination of the first relations, as a rule, they only quickened (if there was an easy or a light;a mild sleepiness, she disappeared), and very soon there came the strongest erection (often stronger, than the first), all sex sensations noticeably became aggravated. Usual attributes of sex satisfaction (weariness, apathy to erotic stimuluses, a sleepiness) appeared at similar individuals not less than after 2-3 relations.

http: // www.neuronet.ru/bibliot/b003/sx15047.html

The SEXUAL CONSTITUTION - the Illustrated encyclopaedic dictionary of sexological terms and concepts | Library IMS NEVRONET

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for explanations, only has not found the answer to the question: all to itself: to the sexopathologist, the urologist or the psychologist...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for the answer, but here, that I shall not understand. In everything, except for bed, at us very good, warm attitudes or relations. It seems to me, that at the husband the need or requirement for sex simply was gone...

I am sorry, that longly did not go, there were problems with communication or connection.

So. Srednedushevoj norms or rates of sexual certificates or acts do not exist. She is always individual. Someone suffices 1-2 times in 1-2 weeks, and 3 times a week are not enough of someone... Temperament, the general or common health and heat of attitudes or relations...

As to your question, there is here such offer:

About you. What your need or requirement for frequency of sexual affinity? It is found out very simply - as often you masturbiruete (or desire)? It can indirectly respond, how much it is necessary to you for happiness.

About the husband. The control of the urologist - it is desirable. Besides it is necessary to find out somehow (as - to you more visibly to ask - is better), that is the reason of depression of a sexual inclination at your husband. Libido often decreases at different other illnesses or diseases, and at depression too...

The main thing - your primary goal consists in informing up to the husband your dyscomfort and to explain, that the big number of the problems causing depression libido, it is possible to solve with the doctor and what to leave it or him because of these problems you be not going to, but to solve them it is desirable for general well-being in your family. If business not in a prostate, means to him (not with you, and God forbid under your control) it is necessary to visit or attend the psychiatrist, and better than the sexologist if those is available.

01.09.2004, 19:30
... Besides it is necessary to find out somehow (as - to you more visibly to ask - is better), that is the reason of depression of a sexual inclination at your husband. Libido often decreases at different other illnesses or diseases, and at depression too...

Understanding, that a subject for a man's self-rating important, I to conversation with the husband approached or suited, mentally podgotovjas to it or him;them. Conversation has gone polushutja-... He has told or said, that very much me likes, and itself will not understand, why nothing is necessary to him in this plan. I, speak, after job so I get tired, that except for a dream of what I do not dream. He is a former sportsman, and to depressions is not inclined. In the mornings is engaged, swings or pumps a bar.

voobshchem, at it or him all (that is almost all) is successful enough in a life, he it or her is quite happy and does not test need or requirement something in her to change. A dyscomfort I test, basically, I. And quot; for ??a?Oyn*quot; me would arrange now and once a week (though earlier, was more often) .mne seems, that the problems which have arisen one and a half year ago in gynecologies (myoma), and also 3 operations in occasion of the nodal form of a mastopathy are echoes of my fidelity and *quot; ONO???o?O?*quot; .moja the gynecologist speaks, that at me developments of stagnation are observed.

P.S.. I Write and has recollected a joke to a subject: *quot; Recently prochyol a word *quot; ieueaA*quot; on the contrary. Has reflected... *quot;

01.09.2004, 19:30
.. Let's agree about terms at once. There is a medical concept of depression. If at the person at least two weeks it is marked or celebrated two of three mentioned below signs, is diagnosed depressive frustration:

Undue fatiguability, feeling fast physical and emotional attritions (asthenia)

Loss of pleasure from earlier pleasant activity

The lowered mood

I pay your attention - enough two of three, that is the mood can be normal, and here others two...

Signs *quot; the second Onna*quot; it is a lot of, their number includes disturbances of a dream, appetite (into any party or side), weights of a body, libido and it is a lot of that else.

So the question on depression remains opened or open, especially in a view of a recognition, that *quot; so I get tired, that except for a dream about what not ?N?Oa?*quot;.

Your needs or requirements deserve that for the sake of them the normal status of the husband has been restored. I think, from it or this will win all. If it is difficult to persuade at once the husband to visit or attend the psychiatrist, suggest him to pass or take place he- tests for an expression of depression or simply ask about presence of three above-stated signs.

Besides as about to visit or attend the urologist?

01.09.2004, 19:30
At an obvious hypogonadism (Testosteron-Depotum on the bottom border of norm or rate) it is meaningful to look or see its or his reason: first of all LG, FSG, it is possible or probable at once Prolactinum, or Prolactinum and MR a pituitary body if LG and FSG also subnormalny.

As: whether the husband of a medicine (pr accepts. anaprilin and similar)?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Oh, with *quot; obvious u?u?an????*quot; not so it is simple - business as as sets for definition of Testosteron-Depotum (for men, the truth, it is a smaller problem, than for women), and in rules of a fence (alikvota from three assays with an interval in 20 minutes or three assays for a month, calculation of an index of biologically active Testosteron-Depotum... A word, here it is good to talk in the beginning to people, this hypogonadism diagnosing) .opjat the bottom border normy-all the same norm or rate, and that there for the border is drawn, on this form, who and why it or her drew...

The idea on Prolactinum and medicines is quite reasonable, but too with zapjatymi-and well as will be accursed big-Prolactinum? And our patient will run on a circle - analizy-MRT (and there insidentaloma...). I.e. \ the sexopathologist (utochnenie-knowing), there it will be visible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At an obvious hypogonadism (Testosteron-Depotum on the bottom border of norm or rate) it is meaningful to look or see its or his reason: first of all LG, FSG, it is possible or probable at once Prolactinum, or Prolactinum and MR a pituitary body if LG and FSG also subnormalny.

As: whether the husband of a medicine (pr accepts. anaprilin and similar)?

The husband accepts nothing. Have decided to visit or attend the urologist.

01.09.2004, 19:30
undefined day! To me of 36 years. In marriage or spoilage - 12 years, are the daughter of 10 years. Together we work, together we spend all holidays, there are general or common addictings and attachments (we like flowers, cats and birds) .stroim the house. Voobshchem, externally - all is ideal. I like the husband, and from its or his party or side I feel, as he concerns to me with love. But there is one *quot; ?*quot;.

All the matter is that at us practically is absent an intimal life. Now I try to understand, when all has begun. Probably, from the very beginning husband not strongly often showed the initiative. After sorts or labors I remember, what even obidilas when up to 3-it month he at all has not taken an interest when *quot; ???*quot; .ja dumala.chto, probably it is features of its or his temperament. When it would be desirable *quot; O??Oaoa?a*quot; itself. And, when it or him *quot; Oa??NoN???y*quot;, all is normal. Somewhere on the second to year of our joint life of the husband have started to disturb pains in a perineum. Have passed or have taken place inspections: have found out a clamidiosis. 2 times were treated. After that repeatedly handed over analyses - all in norm or rate. There was a diagnosis: a chronic prostatitis. Sometimes, in a cold season he has an effect nagging pains. It was treated. Passed or took place courses of a physiotherapy and massage. Now, already long time at the husband of desires to sex practically is not present. The number of sexual contacts was reduced up to 1 in half a year (and when I do not maintain) .ja spoke with it or him on this subject, he speaks, that with it or him all normally, simply he gets tired, and is simple at it or him such temperament. Thus I know, that on the party or side at it or him anybody is not present, as we with it or him practically spend all time together. I, certainly understand, what it is impossible to tell or say precisely, time normally is so much, and there is no, but everything so much, it would be desirable to know, whether there are any limits of norm or rate on frequency of sexual contacts? To the husband - 34 years. Sometimes I hand over hormones SHCHZH.I recently when we with the husband have come to laboratory to hand over the next analyses, I have persuaded it or him to hand over the analysis on Testosteron-Depotum. Value or meaning;importance of its or his Testosteron-Depotum was equal on the bottom border of norm or rate. Prompt how to be, please, in sew situations? To what expert it is better to address?

Hello, Lena. Much to you wrote, advised much.... Only.... Whether at whom was such problem vrjat will understand... *quot; The rich don't know how the other half lives.... *quot; to Me 35. The Husband-remarkable the person, close or attentive, and in general the ideal husband. Only... Here everything, that you about itself wrote-one to one and at me. Hardly awfully. It is possible to try to search for the reason, to try somehow something to solve, only nothing varies, in fact to the husband that normally, comfortably. I not so well am guided in a computer, and on this forum have come casually, whether I do not know I can find this page still time, and in general it would be desirable to talk to you, only as that confuses me a little that else someone will read... Write to me if you not against to talk *** the address it is removed in avoidance of unfair advertising and the SPAM ***

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am sorry, you certainly, not to me addressed, but at me a question:

You it is close or attentive prochli what doctors have written? And you would not like to discuss it with experts?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am sorry, you certainly, not to me addressed, but at me a question:

You it is close or attentive prochli what doctors have written? And you would not like to discuss it with experts?

Hello. Fairly? Read fluently because itself the doctor and the reasons of a problem possible or probable-know, at my husband the part from them is present. Only that the reason you know, an output or exit I do not see. When tried to speak with the husband about it or this before - insult and quarrel, he speaks, that all at it or him by way of. Though... He not a fool to not understand, what not by way of. I have closed a subject. To try something to change without the consent from other party or side-bad job. To experts he will not go. One question excruciates me already long time. To me that what to do or make with my desires and temperament? First it would not be desirable to give up itself as a bad job as on the woman, and secondly, my deep belief, that the heap of female sores appears from a sex dissatisfaction, beginning or starting from an oncology, finishing or stopping psychiatry.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here there are many possible or probable variants. It is not necessary only one, alas... It is impossible to be the doctor in own family if it concerns or touches psychiatry and a sexology. The third party is necessary.

What to do or make with by itself - a question difficult, but solved. The most simple and comprehensible decision - a masturbation. If except for sex in attitudes or relations there are no problems and marriage or spoilage stable, it, at times, a unique output or exit. And here if sex - only top of an iceberg then first of all to be engaged it is necessary at all this problem. Though the fact, that the husband your sex problems do not interest, can direct at some reflections about a degree of trust and respect in marriage or spoilage...

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am sorry, you certainly, not to me addressed, but at me a question:

You it is close or attentive prochli what doctors have written? And you would not like to discuss it with experts?

Yes, by the way, and I at the psychotherapist was, when absolutely to me it was already bad. Visiting has left amusing memoirs. The psychotherapist has told or said, that, to tell the truth up to Sofi Laren (I do not know as it is correctly written) to me far (though the joke here is recollected: and quot; she arranges half-villages, and it or him, whether see, ?NO*quot; It I to that I like many men, and look or appear I quite), and that I too much from the husband I demand, have registered antidepressants with effect of depression libido. For some time I have calmed down, then have unintentionally become pregnant, during pregnancy-lived or -vein with the jaws compressed from desire (awfully it would be desirable affinity y the husband did not touch) Have found entertainment to myself the Internet. That's all. Sex once a month, and even less often.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It was the wrong psychotherapist....

01.09.2004, 19:30
About the husband. The control of the urologist - it is desirable.

It is the truth, only if the husband does not have motivation to address to the doctor, it most likely means, that the urologist is not necessary to him also a problem only in loss of interest to own wife or, less often, is simple that the husband very much gets tired at job (i.e. the reason of so rare or infrequent sexual contacts for the husband is clear also he does not consider it necessary to clear it or her).

The main thing - your primary goal consists in informing up to the husband your dyscomfort and to explain, that the big number of the problems causing depression libido, it is possible to solve with the doctor and what to leave it or him because of these problems you be not going to, but to solve them it is desirable for general well-being in your family.

The naked truth.

If business not in a prostate, means to him (not with you, and God forbid under your control) it is necessary to visit or attend the psychiatrist, and better than the sexologist if those is available.

Problems with a prostate are absolutely insignificant in series of the reasons of man's sex frustration, especially at men 50 years are younger. It is last topic which is found out by the urologist in conversation with the patient showing the complaints to sex dysfunctions.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here there are many possible or probable variants. It is not necessary only one, alas... It is impossible to be the doctor in own family if it concerns or touches psychiatry and a sexology. The third party is necessary.

What to do or make with by itself - a question difficult, but solved. The most simple and comprehensible decision - a masturbation. If except for sex in attitudes or relations there are no problems and marriage or spoilage stable, it, at times, a unique output or exit. And here if sex - only top of an iceberg then first of all to be engaged it is necessary at all this problem. Though the fact, that the husband your sex problems do not interest, can direct at some reflections about a degree of trust and respect in marriage or spoilage...

Masturbation-it or -this;-thus it is certainly remarkable, only it will not replace man's eyes, arms or hand, labiums!!!!!! Sex at us all top of an iceberg... I understand It... I do not know that primarily at us-problems in sex inevitably lead to problems in attitudes or relations or on the contrary.... If to take a detached view, the husband at me model, and on the house does or makes all, and works, and in current of day hundred times will call, will ask how are you doing... And me with it or him it became cold....

01.09.2004, 19:30
If want, dear eklyukina, can open a subject in section *quot; the Psychotherapy... *quot; Can to us it will be possible to find out, that occurs or happens.

01.09.2004, 19:30
If want, dear eklyukina, can open a subject in section *quot; the Psychotherapy... *quot; Can to us it will be possible to find out, that occurs or happens.

The offer reasonable, to it is necessary to listen. Such dzhenerozistost (i.e. generosity) from the psychotherapist it is necessary to appreciate. In fact trials with a underwater part of an iceberg - enormous work.