Просмотр полной версии : I do not know, as to do or make. To me 18, with 16 I conduct a regular sexual life. In total...

31.08.2004, 17:46
I do not know, as to do or make. To me 18, with 16 I conduct a regular sexual life. In total there was 1 partner (he and now), to him 22. Can, at my age it and is normal, but I never tested an orgasm during sex. Only if masturbiruju. My partner takes offence, and at me even vlechenija-that is not present more often. I work, I study in the evening, I get tired. He still understands it. But I and in target when like would have a rest, all the same, if something inside and appear, any inclination, as soon as we start to laskam, all fades. I thought, what is it from otgo, that in 18 years the organism up to the extremity or end is not developed, but at my girlfriends that's all right, one I as frigid. Iz-for it or this strarajus preliminary caress to reduce to a minimum, t. To. They sometimes simply irritate me, and when he in me, I though feel something. Sometimes it seems, that I already on it have programmed myself. Very much I am afraid, that iz-for it or this my partner will soon simply go "to walk" on the party or side, in fact what muzhik will sustain very rare or infrequent (1 2 times a week on days off) sex moreover if he does not satisfy partnershu though does or makes everything as it is necessary. I already thought to change to him, to understand, and as, actually, others are engaged in sex, something can, at us not so, yes I can not force myself with that whom I do not like...

Isaev D.D.
01.09.2004, 11:58
Dear Maria! With anybody to change it is not necessary! If you are capable to reach or achieve a discharge at self-stimulation. Then can necessarily reach or achieve an orgasm and with the partner. Simply for this purpose time and a corresponding or meeting emotional spirit is required. Now you act absolutely incorrectly. Instead of developing the sensuality and sensitivity to laskam the young man, you "are closed", accustom yourself to that exaltation during this moment should not appear And it is necessary to show, on the contrary, to him as as it is necessary to do or make as it is pleasant to you more as it is necessary to caress you Begin with lask yourself at its or his presence, and then connect also it or him And so gradually form at itself readiness to perceive it or him as a source of corporal pleasure!