Просмотр полной версии : To me it is necessary the man which the trainer t would learn me to be engaged in sex well...

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half vergin
13.08.2004, 00:15
To me it is necessary the man which the trainer so to say would learn me to be engaged in sex well. How such to find? Do not think that I am pinned, I seryozno.

Isaev D.D.
13.08.2004, 17:12
As soon as will throw such klich on a site of acquaintances, there and then the flight of interested persons will arrive or fly...

half vergin
13.08.2004, 19:50
I cannot be published, at me the husband.

The anonym
14.08.2004, 13:11
Here the silly woman was published in fact and there also!

Isaev D.D.
15.08.2004, 06:03
Then address with questions to the sexologist on internal consultation...

half vergin present or true
16.08.2004, 17:04
Not I the answer wrote it, it is not necessary to call. The doctor, Thanks.

Thorn (not the doctor)
17.08.2004, 19:38
Hm... What interesting combination... half v (i) rgin - poludevstvennitsa?:)
Understand, Virgin, it nesovsem correct employment or occupation - "to be trained". This too intimal action, that here so... " With the trainer ":) be not vulgarized ahead of time. Here to study there is especially nothing (especially to ladies) - esteem a few or a little;little bit literatures, listen to itself, the body, and that with it or him will do or make obviously:)

18.08.2004, 06:06
Thorn the rights. To be trained... To you what for? On job? There also will learn. If at you a problem with the husband, it absolutely other history... When series "yours" the man, kak-that turns out all by itself, is simple to me, for example, there was no confidence. When I have understood, that I the most desired, beautiful.... (and should think your partner) I have ceased to think of it or this that, as... I began to feel and liked. Sometimes it is useful for something to esteem, the trifle, but she can help or assist you. By the way, I read as that about schools, where exactly wives learn or teach, but I would not wish to study there. To all the time. " And that at once all will alter - that then " ("Girls")

18.08.2004, 16:21
I can not soglasmtsja with Liej, that " all will come by itself " (or, can, it at me only so). To be trained it is necessary, but with one and ONLY at presence of mutual warm feelings.

Thorn (not the doctor)
19.08.2004, 07:12
Virgin! I can am mistaken, but you seem to me wish " to learn sex " that it is good to look or appear before the husband... Such skilled or experienced seksi. The purpose such?

20.08.2004, 15:42
The most correct idea at Alains was - the person of anything at once is not able - to study it is necessary, I do not advise raschityvat, that all pridyo will come is a full delirium, and studies it is necessary really with one (attitudes or relations should be long, instead of on one "lesson") the person. The most important to not hesitate eksperementirovat - it is dared or courageous to embody bed ideas and in case of nedach to not take it to heart (in fact the majority on mistakes or errors study).

half vergin
22.08.2004, 01:54
Yes, I was sealed up in nike, but let so will be.
Thorn (not the doctor) has guessed. Married I 10 years, the husband the first and unique (from here and nik). I know not on naslyshke only that to that he me has learned. All was good, and now he has started to speak me that I do not suit Anywhere in bed. eksperementirovat he does not want, to learn or teach too, only accuses. Here also I wish to learn that that I am not able or understand that I "can" to give pleasure to the man. There will be I with the husband or not, it is the second question. I already want it or this for myself, and that the complex is developed or produced...

22.08.2004, 11:05
I did not speak, that all will come by itself. I spoke all the time. Alain me at all has not understood. You prochtite a question. The girl wants the teacher, instead of the husband. At it or her other problem. And to study it is necessary all life and everything, anybody with it or this does not argue.

23.08.2004, 07:25
Dear the author! As a rule, and it I know not on naslyshke when the husband starts to speak the wife, that she a zero in bed and t. The item is to her attitudes or relations has no. These are consequences of ITS or HIS (husband) of own pavors, complexes, uncertainty. Something is impossible to it or him - and he is broken on you. And more such variant, that he wishes you to subordinate, manipulate to itself you, to make so that you " were frightened of the husband ". I shall repeat, problems not at you, and at it or him. I agree from D.D.Isaevym - an ideal variant would be family consultation at the psychotherapist, and not the sexologist, and simple.

half vergin
23.08.2004, 16:59
Squirrel! You most likely proavy on the bill of manipulation and submission, It in its or his character but if you met such people should understand that konsudtatsiju with the expert he will not allow, together, any! And the complex has started to be framed, I cannot relax any more, I am not assured of myself as you have noticed... Therefore I want the Teacher, in this case feelings are not necessary to me, I need to learn, that I have been assured...

25.08.2004, 05:00
And more, dear or expensive the Author, try to answer these questions. What attitudes or relations with the husband at you were earlier? As you can characterize the status in family (how much or as far as you are dependent on the husband). Whether there are at you children and how the husband concerns to them? What were your mutual relations with parents? Whether there Is at you something "" - a hobby, friends, job?

26.08.2004, 12:09
And why you speak, what the husband you will not start up one to the psychotherapist?, good, its or his business itself will not go. But what he has the right to dispose of your free time? You to him not a thing - as he can dispose of your desires? And in general, what you are held about it or him, if he by such tyrant and the despot?

27.08.2004, 14:25
Well here now it is clear. What complexes. It is a pity to time a little at me now. The truth to study not in that. It is just necessary to learn to pay attention to about what speak. Have read through about exercise for strengthening muscles, bystrenko have tried or tasted it or him during (as charging or charge), etc. Here to you new sensation. I do not know as to tell or say. Read, the book, the Internet. I as that have read through a phrase... She has wagged a femur... .mne she it is direct zasela in a head... .nu I also have wagged... Depends on the man Much. With its or his mood what love... One carrots... .udachi to you. Also do not despair. The woman should be confident and free in itself in postele. Listen to itself. Well to that the husband as it is better to lay down could learn you... So sometimes such pose you will accept, that its or her description anywhere and you will not find... .kak it is better to clasp, so in the Internet of the prostitute about it or this write, so all the same it is pleasant to one so, to another on another... .vse...

half vergin
27.08.2004, 18:36
2 Squirrel. I am financial independent, children are the husband them likes. Nevertheless morally I am subordinated, I wish to be pulled out or escape. I have a job, Friends at us the general or common, with my friends he to me allows to communicate only by phone. Attitudes or relations with the husband at us were same vprintsipe, I can assume only one, that before it has begun I began to concern to itself Is better, I have believed that the Woman and I Like Men. Can it or this and it was pulled out or has escaped iz-under its or his influences.

The teacher
28.08.2004, 15:17
And what such terrible if the girl something such will try or taste? Same it is interesting! And that all the husband and the husband... Unique and despotic... Sense I do not see to store or keep such fidelity, and in general to anybody! Study, yet late! And anything bad in sex on the party or side net-it simply form of dialogue between the man and the woman! Can, to you to help or assist?

half vergin
29.08.2004, 12:29
The teacher, and virtually for the beginning it is possible?

29.08.2004, 21:05
The teacher left unfinished, if you consider or count what to store or keep fidelity to anybody there is no sense you are simple an embodiment of a marasmus when by an old age yours " standing days " will be found or considered, you to anybody nahren not nuzhe will be!

Isaev D.D.
30.08.2004, 13:24
Dear vergin! Though you also are assured, that the teacher of sex is necessary to you, but the problem is covered in the field of self-perception (the lowered self-rating) and adequate perception of matrimonial attitudes or relations which now send or have come to matrimonial disharmony Therefore safely go independently to the psychotherapist!

31.08.2004, 04:15
To the psychotherapist it is good, but is much but... .prosto I have coped with it or this, therefore it would be desirable as that to help or assist. You will find the way. All will turn out. Now the problem seems to me ridiculous then to me it was very serious. I was helped or assisted by the Internet. Emotions overflew. Want, leave the address, we shall communicate.

01.09.2004, 03:52
It is very difficult for believing in itself, but differently to you never will be well, pleasantly and freely. The husband at you it is valid otchego-that despotic and strict (as a rule such happens iz-for ITS or HIS problems), but you the adult and clever woman, at you are forces what to change attitudes or relations. If you search for the teacher if you are ready on change (let it even for study, instead of on call chujstv:) love does not remain - then why to not show him, what you samaja-most?:) why to not put all on the places and to not address for the help to the friends?:) success!