Просмотр полной версии : To me 15, vyrasli greater or big ears and a huge nose, and the sizes of a member small. Druzh...

22.08.2004, 21:52
To me 15, vyrasli greater or big ears and a huge nose, and the sizes of a member small. Friends have told or said, that all will be made even on ears and a nose to 18. Say lies?

The anonym
25.08.2004, 01:58
.. You have severely deceived....

Isaev D.D.
28.08.2004, 12:07
Dear Pavlusha! Between the sizes of a nose, ears, a mouth (or something or something else) and the sizes of genitals or genitalias is not present Any communication or connection! And here body height of genitals proceeds years up to 20 and even more longly

29.08.2004, 09:00
Pavka, at me ears and a nose normal, and a penis in a status of an erection 19. Do not complex.