Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist! On me (and can, on itself) my liked husband has taken offence. We are married 4...

23.08.2004, 05:22
Help or Assist! On me (and can, on itself) my liked husband has taken offence. We are married 4 months. The matter is that it is pleasant to me, when he caresss my clitoris tongue or fingers: tongue turns out, and here an arm or a hand not so. Kak-I have prompted that to him, that it is pleasant to me slower movements in the beginning, but he perceives my wishes, type " he is not able and any more does not know, how it to do or make ". During our love I, already without superfluous words, have gently and tactfully put the arm or hand on its or his arm or hand, as though masturbiruja together.. But he has completely taken offence, speaks, that does not know, how it to do or make, because each time is not pleasant to me, as he caresss me fingers.
And, probably, I have made a mistake or an error: I have apologized, that have prompted him as it is pleasant to me and have added: I shall be silent Next time ...
On what he has absolutely left in itself(himself), having told or said, what even next time he will not know, whether he delivers to me as the pleasure is necessary . He very impressionable so experiences in this occasion.
Simply deadlock any.
Can, the god with them, with fingers? Prompt! I very much like the husband.

24.08.2004, 01:38
Face, My God, you mudzh simply very much is not self-assured. You should encourage it or him. Tell or say to him, what not smonevaetes that in the theory he all fine knows, and in general claims at you to it or him;them are not present, and, that he the perfect and gentle lover, but each woman is individual, on it or this it is necessary for him you poizuchat... And than more than assistance you to him will render those more quickly he will understand HOW to caress you, precisely to be assured or confident, that you at top of pleasure... Explain to him, what if you will not speak him as you it is pleasant more, and he will not speak the same to you as both of you learn or find out, about secret desires each other? You in fact are married only 4 months!!! Just that time which you should use it on searches of mutual harmony... Tell or say to him what to show in what that inexperience it it is completely not a shame, you can uchitsja together, comprehend something new!!!
The main thing be not silent. .pogovorite with it or him.
Happiness to YOU!

25.08.2004, 02:45
At it or her the husband, instead of mudzh. Though can be and mudzh...

26.08.2004, 05:52
And what is it he at you such mentally fragile?)) strange ljudi-it I about nego-he thinks, what taking offence will correct for a situation? Probably, you should caress yourselves fingers samoj-and what to do or make? He let does or makes that at it or him turns out. But look, that he has not truncated, that insults idiotic can be manipulated you. At all do not feel guilty!

26.08.2004, 17:01
Kakie-any strange advice or councils at the Herring...
You of the Face do or make all correctly, it is necessary to learn to do or make your husband pleasant to you. But it is necessary to tell tactfully to him about it or this outside of bed...

27.08.2004, 02:13
And you try it or him to caress (well as well as where it is pleasant to you more) and thus ask as you you would want that I have kissed you, have caressed, it is pleasant to you as I do or make, or so? Speak him that wish to give to him pleasure, ask what exactly he wishes to do or make... .mozhet he will understand that, such researches give pleasure and will try to make as you ask, and you to him then tell or say AS you it was good with it or him, I think it spodvignet it or him on new feats!!!!

27.08.2004, 11:05
And what strange in my advice or councils? They go from family experience. And not only mine, and collective.

28.08.2004, 04:27
Can to you it is necessary to try or taste masturbirovat most while he caresss you? For certain it is pleasant to him, at the same time he will see as you it do or make and that is pleasant to you. A question - whether you will hesitate?