Просмотр полной версии : At my girlfriend have begun monthly for 10 days earlier. And allocation were about...

20.08.2004, 09:44
At my girlfriend have begun monthly for 10 days earlier. And allocation were very small. Whether there can be it consequence or investigation of change of a climate, she went in chehiju.

21.08.2004, 22:24
Most likely indeed. Change of terms is influenced by all - and change of breadth of a place, and magnetic storms, and even yours to her the attitude or relation.

22.08.2004, 20:31
It can be and another. If (suddenly!) she the pregnant woman, such allocation - an attribute of threat of an abortion. It can be reaction on new protivozachatachnye tablets if she accepts them (or it is simple on postinor). And there can be a reaction to stress. So, if there are reasons for excitements - to descend or go to gienkologu (on personal reception, instead of in virtual consultation) and so it is possible to guess indefinitely better...

24.08.2004, 08:14
So it can be and beremenost? As though before all was normal, it tolk this month so has passed or has taken place
Before have begun in June of 22 numbers, and now 12 in July.

25.08.2004, 06:28
Ivan - at reorganization of hormonal system (in particular, at pregnancy) there are such things. But nevertheless once again I shall repeat, it is better to descend or go on internal consultation.

26.08.2004, 05:18
t. e if I was engaged with her of 3 numbers in sex, being protected prezikami, and 12 numbers have begun monthly, it threat of an abortion is possible or probable?

27.08.2004, 11:52
Ivan, well, term here not and! The Early abortion can be and about a month of pregnancy. And here that there was a condom... Certainly, with it or him it is impossible "to fly" almost. And if you are assured, that at your girl of anybody, except for you was not, it is necessary to search for the reason in something the friend.