Просмотр полной версии : At me attitudes or relations with the person who almost for 30 years is more senior than me have begun....

15.08.2004, 21:42
At me attitudes or relations with the person who almost for 30 years is more senior than me have begun. Is more skilled, more cleverly, more interestingly - I assure you, the rare or infrequent woman would exchange it or him for the young young man. These attitudes or relations more recently have begun, and I cannot understand, that I for it or him mean, because not looking that he speaks that constantly about me thinks, and does or makes for me very much much - but we see once a week. I understand, he is very borrowed or occupied, but I wish to understand for myself the reasons why we so seldom communicate. Or because I not the unique woman or because can, at the age (55) he give in to me as before young zhenshchinoj-t a little. e. " It is better less often, yes is more correct "? We only once had a sex. And he was not bad.

16.08.2004, 16:40
The darling, and what you wanted? Such men and in 90 will like eternally and certainly not one woman! You are proud of the youth. Believe, zolotko, this "disadvantage" bytrenko passes or takes place! Sex was ozhnazhdy, here and live on memoirs, and on another's happiness not zarsja. "Has as they say worn" or defamed", allow also to another same to make. By the way, your question at all on a subject of the given conference and with what it here to scribble?

17.08.2004, 14:39
I do not agree with Veselkoj!
Let's admit or allow 25 years for zhenshchiny-it simply super!
Till the certain moment of such men like, but in fact it or him 55 - 60 years (even if well are very interesting). An impotency absolutely close. And at the woman other age and the nature prevails.
Believe, you mean for it or him much. Last love can even! Do not smile!
Lolita, this the man is free?
You probably not married?

17.08.2004, 18:28
The love if the man is hidden from the girl by weeks is good! Another is borrowed or occupied certainly, by family obligations, children and grandsons. Do not believe words of the man, and believe it or him delam-it so simply, but we always try to hear and like ears! Here also occur or happen oshibochki. In occasion of an impotency Inna has bent, forgive or excuse, there are men and in 70 perfectly owning sex opportunities and giving to the very young young woman what she ispyvatyla never in a life to the contempoparies. It is possible to be an impotent and in 30! The question to Lolite Arises, and what this means for you the man? Anything, except for the egocentric vainglorious person in myself, I have not noticed. If you like, and tell or say. - to mine to you the attention is simply pleasant and whether awfully interestingly to know one you. Most likely in the given person seduces a purse (" he much for me does or makes "). He does not give in, this cockerel serves a minimum of heels of chickens!

18.08.2004, 20:29
What you malicious!
He single. What does he mean for me? Starts to sprout in me, I therefore and ask, that not being is assured of its or his feelings, I do not wish to allow to develop to this feeling. Not a purse me I seduce, it or him about what I do not ask, he does or makes all itself, and to me even after that it is awkward. Vidimsja-that we more often once a week. At job. He/she is the deputy mine shefini.

Elena Premudraja.
19.08.2004, 09:51
Greetings, Lolka! How you to yourself represent future with the old man, let even to the most magnificent? And whether you know, what its or his growing old flesh vysasyvet from you, young and attractive, energy in literal sense of this word? Occurs or happens eenrgoobmen, as a result you receive that you receive. Imperceptibly for yourself year through tri-four you will as a squeezed orange. If it is pleasant, then sprout in an early old age. Certainly such unions are a rarity, it is probably yours and will be happy who knows? But at once be ready to a certain sacrifice, it is necessary to pay for pleasures, you will pay off the expensive by. Be healthy! This main condition for energovampira!

19.08.2004, 16:33
I understand all. I do not want any marriage, any such continuations. I simply want... That this person was close to me. And all. I not such durynda, at me am a couple of young boys, but each time I dumaju-up to what it does not go to comparison.

19.08.2004, 23:03
Lolita, all passes or takes place also it will pass or take place...!
Do not waste time gift or for nothing, young clever and business men of the girl quickly to arms or hand tidy up.
It is necessary to operate or work!

The anonym
21.08.2004, 08:29
Oh, only not prorostaj in it or him, it is not necessary. I here in one so prorosla what now to not come off the Siamese twin!

Front sight
22.08.2004, 23:42
Lolita! You think...
In ten years to him will be 65 and to you only 35.. To Him of anything it will be already unnecessary at this age (give the God that not so), and you the woman in the prime of life...

23.08.2004, 01:56
Yes you that speak, lovely girls! On such the man to pray it is necessary. Nikgo does not offend, by all does or makes well and Lolite and it or her shefine and more pair to tens women, those the man, and a well of knowledge, ingenious mind or wit, the perfect good breeding used to know, it not, able to twist that young, that in the age of, the absolute or hundred-percent lover and simply successful hero of ours vremeni-KAZANOVA! Such pjatochki to lick it is necessary, instead of to throw!)))

23.08.2004, 08:37
Well I can tell or say, there was at me one such. For 30 years is more senior. Clever, formed, intelligent, in bed - super, but... In a month, year, an one and a half... The age has an effect.
And then, as though it is enamoured he did not look, the girl on so much he is more younger than years does not perceive seriously. Understand, ty-for it or him the girl, docha which is to be sponsored, indulged, but then there comes satiation game in dochki-mothers. And all.
The extremity or end to the big and light feeling. It is not necessary to all this to begin in general, to you will be more sick, if, certainly, the first it or him you will not throw.

24.08.2004, 10:14
I too such know, he at me is, I want it or him, and he already perehotel, has fused, I do not allow him that he so ljubit-anal, I am afraid. And more I very big fan or amateur of gossips, and the man of it or this do not like this. Here and cannot come to the general or common denominator. The lover he super!)))

25.08.2004, 23:55
Greetings, manjanjanjanjanja