Просмотр полной версии : Ne ojhucjaju kajfa kogda trachajus. Zakryvaju glaya, delaju eto s prezervat...

25.08.2004, 03:50
Ne ojhucjaju kajfa kogda trachajus. Zakryvaju glaya, delaju eto s prezervativom i bez, dolgo i bzstro ne pomogaet. Ojhuchjenie kak na aerobike. Kak pojmat kajf?

25.08.2004, 06:47
Write cyrillics, laziness to read yours beleberdu. Kajf it is necessary to catch with the liked person, instead of trachat all successively or to close eyes for an inanimate condom. Has caught a difference? And what sensations na aerobike? Too I wish to know.

Isaev D.D.
25.08.2004, 12:25
Dear Lalka! Most important certain spirit which arises not owing to physical exercises, and grows from feelings of the partner and to the partner