Просмотр полной версии : Hello... I shall not understand, psychological it is a problem or physical......

20.08.2004, 05:38
Hello... I shall not understand, psychological it is a problem or physical... I Complain of an erection. To me of 19 years. Up to my present girl at me
There was one with which I communicated about one year and thus was engaged in sex 2 3 times,
But we never finished the certificate or act. Thus he last hour tri-four and on what I
Especially (almost) did not complain. It is necessary to tell or say about my character - I incorrigible romantik
In connection with caring for girls, Platonic love and so forth thus
I get rid of a sexual inclination that am engaged in an onanism how much
I remember, can, since ten years. With that girl we then became
Friends. Has passed or has taken place more year, and here I have met another. She liked me, and
I am literally in the first week of acquaintance has tried to oversleep with her. However was
"Is pleased" by absence of an erection during the most necessary moment. And then, at the following
Attempts there was a following: during preliminary lask all was good,
From its or her arm or hand I even time has tested an orgasm, I felt well, but as soon as
Business reached immediately the certificate or act - at me for few seconds absolutely
The erection though I in ideas firstly did not have anything bad and I of it or this was lost
Anything could not explain. Now I had a belief, that anything to correct
It will not be possible. What is it - action of a bad habit at long absence of the girl,
Incompatibility with the concrete girl or on that there can be physical reasons
(By the way, about them - I have three years varikotsele - cannot be as complication?).
Please, paid researches do not offer - I the student, and here advice or council or though
Indicatings what to do or make and the doctor of what speciality should address in real, very much I wait...
Thanks for patience if have read up up to the extremity or end.

20.08.2004, 11:53
Use something very raising or exciting. For example, together pomojtes in a bath stark naked, or let she to you the striptease will arrange. 100 % will help or assist.
Not viagra to you at such age to drink. And that all was ok, it is time to be engaged in it or this is more often. Let she will make to you minet still, for example

22.08.2004, 02:07
I support or maintain Elena. Joint acceptance of a foamy bath with the subsequent sexual certificate or act in same vanne-operates or works trouble-free. Sensations really unearthly! Has checked up on itself!:)

Thorn (not the doctor)
23.08.2004, 12:17
To be excited or raised - not a problem, pay attention to another: he never finished the certificate or act! (the truth, that he did or made these or it " 3 4 hours " then not clearly...:)). But the organism (by the nature very dynamical and adapted or fitted) could get used to it or this simply! Well the erection is not necessary to the person - we shall cut off!:) e. The member has got used without a normal discharge and easy hangs. It is necessary to something to change, Sergey:) Either romanticism, or sex.

Sergey (author)
23.08.2004, 16:18
Explanatories in occasion of answers to my question _. By the way, thanks
To the one who has responded, but nevertheless it would be desirable to hear also opinion of the doctor...

Elena, Michael, 100 % a bathroom was not time, same result,
With minetom it is similar. When all only begins, reaction corresponds or meets
Seen. That it is necessary to her to borrow or occupy only in me more minuty-another, even an arm or a hand,
And all disappears.. It seems, have tried already all. When it or her is not present series, I
Always I test to her a strong inclination. And when before reaches, occurs or happens
That has been described. She speaks, what is it something of type of the psychological block or trochlea, whether
iz-for transition to close relations without preliminary semi-annual;)
Carings, whether iz-for melancholy on the first girl (she knows about her, but personally I so not
I consider or count), or eventually, it not iz-for mentalities... By the way, on viagra at me money
There will be no, and something national travnoe, probably, would cost... Konsky
The originator?;)

Thorn, these or it 3 4 hours I was engaged laskami and research in the first in a life
partnershi. Besides as the condom was not used, I was kept from
Orgasm though approached or suited to it or him;them some times and quickly enough. And here after it or her,
It seems to me, I quite subconsciously could get used to satisfaction of need or requirement
Without participation partnershi, as to disposal of a unnecessary thing that did not prevent to live, and
Now at me iz-for it or this a problem. Because without partnershi, if I besides in
Mood, I on an erection do not complain.

Perhaps, to me stirs or prevents that I test to this girl strong friendly
Feelings and that at it or her a difficult character and something is eternal not so. She to me kak-that
During our next attempt has told or said, that I have ceased to think. At me it not
It turns out, probably. I do not know, whether there can be here its or her part of fault, but I like
It or Her also I do not wish even to try to oversleep now with someone or someone else to find out it.

25.08.2004, 04:32
I advise you to address to the urologist, there can be he will put you a prosthesis with an electric drive, on a remote control! I not the urologist, I only study