Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! During sex all inside extends extremely, and we feel, ch...

21.08.2004, 17:19
The doctor! During sex all inside extends extremely, and we feel, that it is a lot of place, though a member at the partner enough the impressive sizes. With others at me such was not. Prompt, please, from what it occurs or happens and how to struggle.

22.08.2004, 13:15
At me too most.

The anonym
24.08.2004, 01:34
It is necessary by means of a pose " ventro-dorzalno " to achieve, that superfluous air has left a vagina and there was a dense adhering of genitals or genitalias.

Isaev D.D.
25.08.2004, 04:09
Dear Ira! I Think, that there is no necessity to guess about reasons of such relaxation of muscles Is necessary to train easier them! It is necessary to train muscles of a vagina and a perineum exercises Kegelja. Regular daily trainings will raise or increase a tonus of a vagina and will relieve of a disadvantage of sensations