Просмотр полной версии : Uvazhaeiyj the doctor! At laskah before the sexual relations the erection comes byst...

23.08.2004, 00:40
Uvazhaeiyj the doctor! At laskah before the sexual relations the erection comes quickly. In the mornings the erection is always. But during the sexual certificate or act the member becomes flaccid, the erection vanishes. How with it or this to struggle? Thanks.

23.08.2004, 09:46
Bezvesti gone dr. Isaev already time 100 answered this question. In brief - to cease volnovatsja, will relax (for example with the constant partner) and to try or taste sex with the equipment or installation " without the sexual certificate or act " that will get rid of concentration on necessity of an erection. And further most likely itself will earn...